
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Something For Me

We have success!  My mitts are done!

I jumped out of bed this morning, a little later than usual, and dove right into the knitting.  I was so close to being finished with my mitts that I couldn't even wait.  I had it about half knitted when I put it down last night so I wanted to get it done.  It took about two hours, with a couple of breaks thrown in, to finish knitting and sew it up.  But now I have a finished pair of hand warmers for me.  I have them on as I type this now.

Seems to be the consensus, though, that everyone is pretty shocked and surprised I actually made something for myself.  It definitely makes me want to make more things for me, though.

So now, I just have to finish the other one of Mom's.  I'm going to work on that now.  There is goings on tonight, celebrating of Sis's birthday, so hopefully I'll be able to finish Mom's tomorrow.  And that's another thing off the docket and I can move on to something else.

Btw?  Sis's present this year is another blanket...but this time I bought it.  She's a very tactile person and it's this kind of faux fur that's really lovely to the touch.  She'll adore it.  But it amused me to give her yet another blanket and this time, it's on time!  I'll giggle about it even if no one else will.  


  1. Yay on the mitts!! *\o/*

    And I love that you bought your sis a blanket!! I think that's a great idea, I bet she laughs, too!

    1. You're right, she probably will. It will be amusing.

      I'm very happy about the mitts myself!
