
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Starting The Year Right

Actually finished Auntie's shawl on time!  Though I completely spaced on taking a picture.  Still, it got finished and she simply adored it.  She wrapped it 'round her shoulders straight away and had to pet it (the yarn is super soft) and loved the shawl stick I had bought to go with it.  She also knew instantly that it was from me, though there was nowhere that I had written my name.  I got a weird sense of pleasure from that, knowing that she opened it and knew straight away who it was from.  The logical part of my brain knows that it was obvious but when have I ever listened to that part?

Of course, because she's a yarner herself, we had to talk about the yarn and the stitches used and how it was done.  Mom's eyes kind of glossed over for a minute, which always amuses me, because she's actually a knitter herself, though she hasn't indulged in the craft in years.  She found quilting and that's her main crafting passion now.  Anyway, it's always fun to discuss that stuff with Auntie.  

Of course, that made me want to make more things because talking about yarning makes me want to do it.  I have yet to start something new though.  Mom's birthday is in about five weeks and she's getting a pair of fingerless mitts.  So I have to get those on the needles.  

And Izzy's shawl.  Sigh.

Again, there are not enough hours in the day.  

Work is kind of a mess right now, because there's been some big changes that had to happen but really it's just a pain in the ass for everyone.  So that's a stressful eight hours.  And I have many words I want to put on the page.  And, of course, I wan to yarn all the things.  I need a Time Turner.  Or something.

At any rate, I think I started the year off right in the yarning department by getting that first project done on time and under budget (lol).  And Sis?  This year Sis is not getting anything handmade.  I've had her presents, store bought, tucked away for a couple of weeks now.  It feels like cheating to me.  But there the last two years, as you know, her birthday presents were completed 11 and 10 months late.  I am not doing that to myself again.  Er, I mean, to her.  I'm not doing that to her again.  *nods*


  1. Sis is going to fall over with the surprise on her birthday!! Lol

    1. Lol. Probably. And though I know she'll love her gifties but there will also probably be pouting for the lack of handmade yarniness. :)
