
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Fabulous Yarn

Oh, yarn shopping, how I love thee!

First, it always amuses the crap out of me when the owner, Beth, recognizes me.  I don't actually go into my LYS that often, only every couple of months or so.  The last time I was there I think it was October or something.  It's expensive, it's high-end yarn, so I only go when I want to get the really good stuff or I have a little extra walking around money, and decide to splurge.  But there was a sale, for people who are "loyal" customers, so I had to go check it out.

It was fun to talk to Beth.  She told me that she's moving to a new location soon, that's actually really close to the one where she is.  Her landlord is pretty much a dick, and when she saw this new house to move to, she was like yep, gonna move.  It's pretty much the same size as where she is now, but laid out a little bit better.  And she won't have to deal with the gross landlord anymore.  

I've been wanting to go back and get more of this really fabulous yarn called Kodiak.  It's by Berroco.  It's warm, but so light and lofty that when you wrap it 'round yourself, it almost feels like you're not wearing anything.  And it's just fabulous to the touch.  (Ask Alder, she knows)  So I got some for me, to make me a shawl.  Only I didn't think it through all the way, and I got two colors, and once I got home, I was all..."Oh damn.  What was I thinking?  This isn't going to work the way I thought it was."

Last night, I thought I came up with a solution, but, no, I didn't like it when I started it.  So I frogged it. And left it lying on the futon.  Then I went about putzing around on the webz, reading, writing, talking to the BFF...and inspiration struck.  I'm not entirely certain if I'm going to be happy with the results of what I intend to do though.  The problem that, if I start it that way, then I'm going to be committed.  And it's not something I can change after the fact.  As much as I want to get going on that, and do it up, I think I might have to let the idea percolate some more.  The other option, that just occurred to me actually, is just to make a rectangular shaped wrap.  And then it can be a lapghan or a shoulder wrap.  And I can maybe do some fun and chunky cables.  I'll definitely have to think on that.

In the meantime, today, I'm going to put on the Dinosaurs, cause it's been awhile, and knit a pair of fingerless mitts.  The easy peasy version.  


  1. Yep, that yarn is gorgeous! Enjoy your yarning!

    1. See! She said so!

      Thanks, I very much am!!
