
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Yarn and Hurtful Words

Let's see, let's see...

For my shawl, I decided to go with a rectangular shape so it can be like a wrap or a lapghan.  I've only got a few inches done so far. I now have to decide a couple of things.  I did the math very carefully, but we all know I'm mathily challenged.  It actually worked out correctly for once!  But I'm still not sure it's wide enough.  So before I go any further, I have to decide if it is.  And if it's not, then I have to frog it and put on more stitches.  But that aside, I have to also decide on stripey patterns, and stitch patterns.  As it is right now, I started with a seed stitch.  I did this because it's completely reversible and has a fun texture.  But now my brain is thinking of all sorts of other things to do.  Especially ways to incorporate the two colors.  I think it's going to take a bit more thinking before I decide completely.  Unless I decide to change the stitch count, I can do any of the things I'm thinking from where it is right now.  So decisions to make.  But good Lord, do I love that yarn!

I've only got a couple of inches done on the mitts.

Last night, I got really, completely, overly upset about something someone said.  As I think on it now, I'm sure it wasn't meant in the manner in which I took it.  I think it was supposed to be playful.  But it sure as hell didn't feel like that to me, and it hurt.  There are things that are important to me, that matter to me a great deal, and I find that there are some people in my life who don't seem to care.  Who are dismissive.  I'm certain they don't intend to be mean.  But it hurts, and I'm having trouble getting over it.  

Let me just say this: I talk about yarning and writing because it is a huge part of my identity and who I am.  I'm a creative person, and those are my outlets for that creativity. It's important to me.  It is a big deal.  And I shouldn't be made to feel like it's a lesser thing than someone else's thing.  

If you want support from me, I don't think it's too much to ask that you support me back.  That's all I'm saying.

Anyway, so I don't end on sad note, let me add that otherwise, things are content and happy for me.  And I'm really enjoying the hell out of my yarn.  :)


  1. Oh, that's a shame. (((((Kris)))))

    At least you can count on yarn not to be mean!

    1. Heh. Well, sometimes it's persnickety but never mean. Thanks Alder!
