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Tuesday, April 8, 2014


So, now that it's all official-like, I'm going to talk about it because it felt like if I talked about it too soon then I would jinx it.  

I'm a new reviewer over at Joyfully Jay!

I'd never really reviewed books before, other than in rambling Kris-like speak to my friends, so it was a little bit daunting.  But also really exciting.  It was something I always wanted to do because I love sharing books that I enjoyed.  And letting people know if there are books to steer clear of.  But it was also nerve wracking because everyone has their own tastes and there are books that I adore that other people can't stand, and vice versa.  But I know that I peruse the review sites in the hopes that someone's review will make me want to read something, or if I was on the fence about buying a book, so I hope that my reviews will do the same for someone else out there.

It's been a fun experience so far, Jay and her crew have been awesomely welcoming, and I'm really excited to be a part of it.

My first review goes up today.  I'm both nervous and excited.  It's just my opinion though, so feel free to disagree. 


  1. Just read it, Kris, it's a great review! Well done! Wishing you lots of fun and good reads!

  2. I was pleased to see that you're going to review there. Good luck, and enjoy!

    1. Thanks Helena! That's really nice to hear.
