
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Nothing Much

It seems like there is a lot going on in my life right now, but every time I sit here ready to write about it, nothing comes out.  *sigh*  Sometimes, I am just at a loss for words.  Which seems like it shouldn't happen to me of all people, but it does.

And the loss of words seems to be rampant across other parts of my life as well.  I'm having trouble getting words on the page these days.  Another one of my slumps, I suppose.  I just have to have faith that I will get it back as I keep plodding along.

Saw Frozen this weekend and really adored it.  Sven, the reindeer, has got to be one of my all time favorite characters.  But I enjoyed the message and the songs as well.  Yes, I'm still a kid at heart, and yes, Disney movies are still one of my favorite things.  Sis and I watched it together, and there were a couple of times we got a bit nervous and hand to hold hands.  I love that we can still be effected by movies.

There's a friend's birthday coming up in a few weeks that I need to yarn for but I'm still not completely decided on what to make.  I need to get crackin' though.  I'm sure you're just shocked and surprised to hear that.  Story of my yarning life, right?

At any rate, I take comfort in the small things.  The feel of hook and yarn in my hand, a good story, a hug from my family.  And I've been getting all that in spades lately.  So I'm happy and content, even if I need to get moving on some things.  And it's a good place to be.