
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Lake

Yesterday, Sis and I took the little ones to the nearby lake and took a walk.  It was a gorgeous day and there was some real stark beauty in the leafless trees and the clear blue water.  We walked a lot, and I got blisters, but it was just serene and quiet and very nice.  Enjoyed the crap out of it.  Of course, by the time we turned around and headed back to the car we were dragging a bit.  She says next time we're renting the bike contraption that seats several people so we can go farther and get back faster.  I'm not sure how I feel about that.  :)

Today she has to work for a couple of hours and then we're hitting the craft store.  I need a few accouterments to finish up some projects, and I still have gift cards to spend.  She has a gift card too.  I'm not sure how my feet feel about walking around a store, but one must suffer for one's passion.  lol.

But the fresh air and the peaceful walk certain did me some good because I'm feeling a lot more settled.  I certainly like that feeling.  I need to remember it, so that when times get stressful, I can head out there and enjoy the peacefulness and get centered again.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, gift cards! Happy shopping, even with the sore feet!

    I always feel refreshed after a walk even if it is tiring, so I'd agree it's the thing to do if you are stressed.
