
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Meet The Bobs

It became a thing with a friend of mine.  I wanted some plants, was gonna name one Bob, and he suggested that I call them all Bob so I did't get confused.  At any rate, I finally got me some Bobs.

Bob 1

Bob 2

Bob 3

The Bobs in my wee car

Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Scoop

I've been missing for a bit. 

There's been a lot going on. I feel like I'm in a vortex at work, and it's emotionally taxing.  I come home at the end of the day feeling very drained.  It's too complicated to get into, but I'm just trying to keep my head above water, improve, and do the best that I can.  I don't know how successful I'm being.  But when I walk out of the building at night, it's like a temporary reprieve until I have to go back and do it again.  Something has to give there, and I fear it might be me, but I'm slowly working on changing things.  We shall see how it all shakes out.

I wound all my hanks into balls.  I'm telling you, that swift was one of the best investments I've ever made.  I still love that blanket with the fiery passion of a thousand suns, and I love it even more now that I've started putting on the new stripe of color.  It's purple and white, and the purple is pretty dark.  So even though I already adored the stitches and pattern, being able to see it really well in the lighter color makes me even happier.  I still want to keep it.  But the BFF saw it--I can't keep secrets *blushes*--and she loves it a lot a lot too.  And it's for her.

I've been experiencing a lot of highs and lows this week.  One minute feeling elated, then next very sad.  Okay, not quite that extreme or that often.  But it has been a bit of a roller coaster.  Which doesn't help with my feeling tired at the end of the day.  I can pin point a lot of reasons for the feelings, so that's good.  Right now I just have to ride it out.  But it's making me fall into bed a lot earlier than normal.  And it's making me feel like not doing a whole lot when I get home.  I haven't done much this week but read some--and reread some favorites--and yarn a little bit.  Very little is holding my interest.  I know it will pass, though.  

Anyway, I'm a bit of a mess, but I'll get through it and it'll be good again.  Just keep plugging along, doing my best, and trying to make all my hours worth it.  

It doesn't hurt that there's a long weekend this weekend, and no plans in sight!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Crazy Cats

I tried to be a good cat mom and break my furbabies of their bad habits.  Except sometimes, they are just too cute and it's hard and then I just give in.  Like Simon.  And his need to drink running water.  He gets in the sink all the time.

And then he just looks so adorable that I give in.  Because he's thirsty, dammit, and how can I not.

Weirdly, he doesn't mind getting wet.  In fact, he often stick his head right under the faucet and lets the water run on his head for a minute or two.  But he's cute, and thirsty, and I've given in so many times now, there's no help for it.  He drinks in the sink.  

Thursday, August 21, 2014

*Happy Dance*

So I was feeling guilty about all the spending, right?  And I sort of regretted, a little bit, buying the swift.  I was thinking I should have waited till a later date in time, or just forgone it all together, but it was too late, it was on it's way.  I was excited about getting it, but it was marred by feeling guilty.

It arrived on Tuesday evening.  I expected it to be waiting when I got home from work, and it wasn't, so I was getting cranky thinking I had to wait an extra day for it to arrive, even though I had the two day shipping thing going on.  And sort of thought it was my karma for buying in it the first place when I maybe shouldn't have.  But arrive it did, and with a few quick motions, it was put together and spinning merrily.

And then I used it.  And, oh holy crap you guys, this was the best thing ever invented!  It worked like a charm, I was able to wind the five hanks I had into balls with minimal tangling and what tangling there was, it was because the hank itself was a little twisted around itself.  But fortunately, I'm an expert at untangling yarn and have an extraordinary amount of patience when it comes to that.  (Not so patient other times, I'll admit, but untangling yarn is like a puzzle and the result makes me happy)

I now have to refrain myself from buying other yarn in hanks just to wind it. :)

But I no longer feel the least bit guilty for the purchase.  It's wonderful on a lot of levels and it will get continued use in the future.  I am very happy.  

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Sneak Attack Spending

Went a little, tiny, wee bit crazy spending money this past weekend.  

Well, really it started on Wednesday when I ordered tea direct from Bigelow because that was the only way I could get my two favorites, Constant Comment and English Breakfast, in loose leaf.  At the store here, they only have Twinings in loose leaf and while it's all right, I much prefer Bigelow.  (It arrived yesterday, and that pot of tea was one of the best I've ever had)

Then Thursday night, I ordered a spoon.  Yeah, you heard me.  A stainless steel teaspoon for the express purpose of scooping my tea.  It should arrive today.

And then Friday night...well, I finally ordered a swift.  Now, swifts are sort of necessary to wind balls of yarn from hanks.  Unless you have someone willing to hold the hank for you.  Which I don't.  I've been making do, but it's been a pain.  And I couldn't justify spending 50 or 60 dollars on a swift just to make my life a bit easier when I don't really need it that much.  Only I ordered yarn, in yanks, and I have a few other hanks to ball up and...well, I went looking.  Turns out I could get a wooden Amish style swift for less than the plastic umbrella style ones.  I was sold.  I tried to be good, but I caved and bought it.  It also should arrive today.

Then Saturday it was the farmer's market and fresh produce and vegetables.  And then to the home improvement store for the flowers I planted.  And out to lunch with Sis.

And Sunday?  Sunday there were books.

So yeah, I sneak attack spent way too much money because it was a little here and a little there and before I knew it...too much.

Now I have to be a very good girl for weeks!  

I can do it.  

Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Garden Saga

It started like this...I forgot to take a pic before I started pulling out the glads.
There were three clumped in the middle

Yes, these are all weeds

Check out that thistle on the left.  Sucker was almost as tall as me

Much better, yes?  No weeds!

Pic is a little bendy, because it's a pano, but ta da!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Garden

I didn't plant the front garden this year because of the little hellions next door and the fact that they would pull up the flowers.  Then the family moved out, but I still didn't do anything with it.  It's a mass of weeds, a really huge thistle...and some gladiolas.  

I thought I had pulled up all my glads last year when I planted.  I was over it, and they weren't planted deep enough to stand up straight once the flowers bloomed.  (Yeah, that's on me)  But I was over the glads, so I thought I had pulled them all up.  It turns out I didn't, and about five sprung up this year.  Only three actually bloomed, and they somehow got clumped together, but they were really pretty.  It was a nice splash of color in the mass of weeds, and glads are really gorgeous.

But now that the flowers are starting to fade, I really am going to pull them up.  Them and all the other weeds living in that garden.  And trying to choke the rose bush.  It's a yard clean up kind of day.  

I'm actually looking forward to it.  

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Yarn, She Beckons

Okay, yeah, you know I'm sometimes I'm a fickle yarner.  Sometimes, the pretty things catch my eye and then...I just have to make stuff even though I should be making other stuff.

So I started this blanket.  I found this really easy pattern, and I didn't think it was going to be anything exciting, but I was going to use up some of my old yarn (that was once going to be a sweater for me) and by a bit of other yarn.  And in the end, it'll be a blanket for the BFF.  But here's the thing...

I really want to keep it.

I love it.  I really, really do.  I love it so much.  There isn't even anything too special about it but I just...love it.  It's knitted, which is fun.  And it's got peaks and valleys, which is more fun.  And it's just really lovely.  And I want it.

But no, it's for the BFF.  Because it's purple and that's her color.  And I want her to have it.  I really, really do.  

So I thought to myself, I'll just make another one for me when I'm done, right?  But that dreaded SSS comes into play, and I don't usually want to make the same thing twice.  And I'm only about five inches in on this one so far, and I know I'm going to get bored with it before I'm half finished and just want it done as happens to me whenever I make anything at all.

But the BFF only has one blanket from me.  And that was a very particular, special gift.  It was a Slyterin blanket, with a big S that was a snake and it was crocheted in the afghan stitch and it was a bitch. But it was awesome when it was done.  

And you know my track record with blankets. Okay, you know my track record with Sis's blankets.  But this one calls to me.  It wants to be made.  And even though I'll be giving it away eventually, I really, really love it.  And I can't wait to see it when it's done.  

Saturday, August 9, 2014

The Call

My sister is out of town this weekend on a "girls" weekend with on of her closest friends. So when she called at 9:30 last night, out of the blue, my heart leapt into my throat. She doesn't call, she texts. So I got worried. And when she connected in the baby mama of the little ones we used to watch every weekend, and baby mama was crying pretty hard, I got even more worried.  But of course she could bring the kids over, no explanation. You need us, we're there.

Baby Mama needed to get the little ones out of the house because she was confronting and kicking out baby daddy. Who's been out of jail a month. Who was trying to get back with his ex while staying with baby mama and lying all over the place. So that's a good thing. And honestly I hope it sticks because that asshole isn't good for that little family. Though I do understand why she stood by him previously, if only in the abstract. She loves him, he's her children's father, and she wanted her little family together. But no one needs a lying cheating not exactly reformed ex convict in their lives.

If he'd changed and was trying to be better, that's one thing. Since he wasn't?  Bye bye.

Anyway, it did interrupt a god awful movie that was so bad it hurt. So that was a relief. And by the time she came to get them at half past midnight, I'd had them sleeping for about two hours. And they stayed asleep as she bundled them into the car.

She'll be okay. She's the resilient sort and she's basically been raising them herself their entire wee lives because he's been in jail. She'll handle it.

And Sis and I will help with the babysitting duties.

Friday, August 8, 2014

The Flat

So I'm driving to work this morning, cruising along and minding my own, and there's suddenly a weirdness going on.  I can tell it's my tire.  So I say a little prayer of "Please just get me to work."  But nope, there's a shake, there's a whumpa whumpa and I know that I can't get that far. I pull off into a parking lot, take deep breath, get out of the car, and the tire is flat.  Not just flat, but there's a blow out and it's separating from the rim.


I take a deep breath, despite the anger and adrenaline making my hands shake, and call my mom.  Because that's what you need to do, call mommy.  I tell her where I am, and she's on her way.  Then I call work, and my coworker laughs good-naturedly and says she'll be waiting for me to arrive.  Now I know how to change a flat, in theory, though I've never done it in practice, so I get out the spare tire, and the jack, and I set everything on the ground.  Except...

I can't get the lug nuts loose.  Now matter how hard I try, they just won't budge.  Now I'm getting really angry, because it shouldn't be this hard, and I'm not exactly a weakling.  But they won't budge.  

Double fuck.

So now I'm super angry, because I can't change the damn tire myself.  My tire iron is a piece of crap and I just don't have the leverage.  Mom arrives and calls Triple A.  Fortunately, we only have to wait about thirty minutes and there he is.  His name was Robert and he was a total teddy bear of a man, really sweet.  Fifteen minutes later, I'm back on the road.

Of course, I also now have to buy a new tire.  :(

Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Birthday Post

It's the fabulous Tato's birthday today!  Huzzah!

He's my brother, and I love him a lot.  Out of all my siblings, he and I are the most alike.  Yes, it's true, he annoys the piss out of me sometimes...but he's the younger brother and I'm pretty sure that's in his job description. 

We're getting together late tonight when he gets out of work for cake and prezzies.  And then tomorrow, as he doesn't have to work, we're all going out for dinner at one of his favorite restaurants.  

It's all about Tato day!  Yay!

Happy Birthday, brother mine. 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Sorting Myself Out

I need to do that thing where I sort out my priorities and budget my time again.

I know, I know.  I've done it before and it's always helped, but somehow I can't manage to stick to it for any length of time. Which is all on me, of course.  It works well for me, I just need to work on my sticktoitiveness.

But with the reviews, and the writing, and the yarning, and all the little things in my life I need to get done, things are crashing in again and falling by the wayside, and I need a little structure.  Sis says I need someone to tell me what to do, and she's probably right, but I'm the one who has to tell me what to do, so I need to get on that.

So with my coffee this morning, I'm writing out all the things that I need/want to accomplish and then figuring out when they need to get done by, and sorting out my list.  Of course, I have to take into account how plans never go according to, well, plan, and I'll need a little cushion.  And one of the important things I need to remember to schedule is downtime.  Because without it, I go nuts.  There has to be some time in there when I do whatever I'm feeling like doing, or else I really go off the deep end.   

But I just might go there anyway if I don't get myself sorted out.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Ren Faire Recap

So yesterday kind of got away from me, what with the napping and all (*G*) and it wasn't until later in the evening that I realized I hadn't put up my Renaissance Faire recap post.  *shakes head*

We got a tiny bit lost on the way there, because the directions were shitty and we thought we were looking for a landmark that we weren't going to see because we came in from a slightly different direction.  Thankfully the GPS on the phone sorted us out and we were good to go.  We arrived only two minutes late.  Now really, there is no "late" because it's an all day affair and people come and go as they please but...

Anyway, we wandered.  We ate.  We saw all sorts of stuff.  Like the caber toss, and the pipe and drum band.  The queen and her court.  Pretty people in pretty clothes and talented artisans at work.  I spent too much money but most of it was on Tato for his birthday later this week.  But the rest was on me.  :)

It was a gorgeous day, and we had a really great time just wandering.  Sis and Toby were ready to go before I was, but we meandered slowly back toward the front gate, and Toby bought a hat, and then they were really ready to go so I conceded.  It ended up that it was a good thing, because we hadn't been gone more than twenty minutes before the sky opened up and let loose a deluge.  We would have gotten soaked.  And I'm sure a great many people did.

The only sad part was that the plot bunnies didn't seem to be out playing on Saturday at all.  I got nothing, or nearly nothing.  It's a rare occurrence, and it was a bit disappointing. But if I'm honest, as I look back on it now, there are few things I could work with...

But it was great, we had a fantastic time,  and I'm so glad we went.  I'd love to go again before it closed for the summer, but I just can't afford it.  *sad face*  Oh well, there's always next year!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Longest Day Ever

Finally, finally, my trip to the Ren Faire is happening tomorrow.  Sis and I are pretty excited and Toby invited himself along.  Once I was sure that he understood that, I agree he could participate in our day.

I'm sure I've mentioned it before, but let me make this clear:  Sis and I are wanderers.  We meander.  We stop when we want to stop, look at what we want to look at.  There is no timetable, no desperate need to be anywhere.  And I've been looking forward to it so very much.  That means today is going to be the longest day ever.  

But I make it through today, and then work will be over.  And then I can get out my pretty dress, skirt, and top.  I can make sure there are no wrinkles and everything is nice.  I can make sure I have everything ready, and I know where my little satchel that Sis made me is.  (Which actually, I do, but it's probably needs to be dewrinkled too.)  

Neither Toby nor Sis is dressing up, so it'll be just me in costume.  That doesn't quite fit right anymore.  Sis gave it a thorough once over, but decided that trying to take in the seams or add darts would ruin the line of the dress, so I'm just going to have to stuff some parts.  

But I'm excited and it looks to be a pretty day.   Not too hot, and maybe a bit of chance of rain in the afternoon.  It won't be the first time I've gotten rained on there.  I'm hoping it holds off though, of course.

Recap on Sunday!