
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

*Happy Dance*

So I was feeling guilty about all the spending, right?  And I sort of regretted, a little bit, buying the swift.  I was thinking I should have waited till a later date in time, or just forgone it all together, but it was too late, it was on it's way.  I was excited about getting it, but it was marred by feeling guilty.

It arrived on Tuesday evening.  I expected it to be waiting when I got home from work, and it wasn't, so I was getting cranky thinking I had to wait an extra day for it to arrive, even though I had the two day shipping thing going on.  And sort of thought it was my karma for buying in it the first place when I maybe shouldn't have.  But arrive it did, and with a few quick motions, it was put together and spinning merrily.

And then I used it.  And, oh holy crap you guys, this was the best thing ever invented!  It worked like a charm, I was able to wind the five hanks I had into balls with minimal tangling and what tangling there was, it was because the hank itself was a little twisted around itself.  But fortunately, I'm an expert at untangling yarn and have an extraordinary amount of patience when it comes to that.  (Not so patient other times, I'll admit, but untangling yarn is like a puzzle and the result makes me happy)

I now have to refrain myself from buying other yarn in hanks just to wind it. :)

But I no longer feel the least bit guilty for the purchase.  It's wonderful on a lot of levels and it will get continued use in the future.  I am very happy.