
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Longest Day Ever

Finally, finally, my trip to the Ren Faire is happening tomorrow.  Sis and I are pretty excited and Toby invited himself along.  Once I was sure that he understood that, I agree he could participate in our day.

I'm sure I've mentioned it before, but let me make this clear:  Sis and I are wanderers.  We meander.  We stop when we want to stop, look at what we want to look at.  There is no timetable, no desperate need to be anywhere.  And I've been looking forward to it so very much.  That means today is going to be the longest day ever.  

But I make it through today, and then work will be over.  And then I can get out my pretty dress, skirt, and top.  I can make sure there are no wrinkles and everything is nice.  I can make sure I have everything ready, and I know where my little satchel that Sis made me is.  (Which actually, I do, but it's probably needs to be dewrinkled too.)  

Neither Toby nor Sis is dressing up, so it'll be just me in costume.  That doesn't quite fit right anymore.  Sis gave it a thorough once over, but decided that trying to take in the seams or add darts would ruin the line of the dress, so I'm just going to have to stuff some parts.  

But I'm excited and it looks to be a pretty day.   Not too hot, and maybe a bit of chance of rain in the afternoon.  It won't be the first time I've gotten rained on there.  I'm hoping it holds off though, of course.

Recap on Sunday!

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