
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Monday, March 26, 2012


Question: What is the definition of slacker?

Answer: Me, this past weekend.

My goal of finishing the afghan this past weekend wasn't just a fail.  It was an epic fail. I did absolutely zero work on the afghan.  I spent a couple hours on a scarf just to play with some yarn I got for my birthday.  But that didn't get me one iota closer to the finished product.  I'm a bad, bad girl.

The problem is I've reached that point in the project when I just want it to be done.  You know that point I mean, right?  That point where you are just sick of doing the same thing over and over again and you are just ready for the whole thing to be done.  It makes me apathetic.  No matter how much I love the project (and you may recall I love this one a lot!) I still hit that point where I am just...over it.  So I'm at that point and I want it to be just done but the only way for it to be done is if I just do it but I'm tired of it so I don't want to do it and I really just want it to be done...

...You see my problem, yeah?

At any rate I need to stop bellyaching and complaining about it and just do it!  

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