
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

i am the grasshopper

The Wise One is a mom, grandma, mentor...an all around awesome person.  She's got an amazing outlook on life and a wicked sense of humor.  She is my Jedi Master in many things.

And I am Grasshopper.

I am fortunate to have her in my life.  She gives me all sorts of good advice, positive feedback, and encouragement.  She listens when I speak.  She always asks how my day is going and is genuinely interested in the answer.  And the best part?  I can give her that same goodness right back. 

When I've had a bad day in the yarn department, when I don't do what I should or haven't done as much work (or any work at all!) she tells me that it's okay.  The other thing that she constantly reminds me of is I can only be responsible for my own actions.  There is no point in worry about the things I can't control.  That's one I'm still working on.  But I am certainly trying.

Everyone should be so lucky as to have a friend like The Wise One.

Still working on C-Lou's afghan.  I need to get cracking.  My new (and as solid as I can make it) goal is to finish it by the end of the week.  If push comes to shove, then I will hole up this weekend and work my ass off until it's finished.  I'm very, very, very, tempted to keep it.  I really love it.  But I know that she will, too, and that makes me smile.    But I really need to get it done and give it to her so that I don't just...keep it.  It's not for me.

Maybe one day I will make one for myself, hm?


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