
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Voices In My Head

I make a lot of things.  Hats, scarves, mittens, glittens, gloves, afghans, lapghans, baby blankets, animals, people.  And making these things, planning them, satisfies a big part of my brain.  It stops the patterns (and color choices and yarn choices) from swirling relentlessly in the gray matter.

But there are voices up there too....

Don't worry.  I'm not schizophrenic and I don't have multiple personality disorder.  I write.  A lot.  Nothing has been published...I don't know if I will ever get to that place where I am satisfied enough with my own work to even submit it.  But that doesn't matter.  Not really.  I write for one reason: that's the only way to get the voices in my head to shut the hell up.

They are a demanding sort, the voices.  They all have lives and stories that they insist be told.  I have no choice put to put those words on paper.  And I enjoy it immensely.  I'm a creative person and this is just another outlet for me to express that.  To let my imagination run wild.

But sometimes it's like someone is sitting on the remote control to my brain and it's constantly flipping channels.  Characters are yelling at me one minute; the next, I'm awash in yarn choices and pattern planning.  It can get incredibly busy up there.  Especially during the later hours of bored o'clock.  I try to write it down so that I don't lose anything.  And that way I can look at it again later, when it's not so busy, and see if any of it is actually a good idea.  

Of course, I dream of a day when I can make my living as an author and devote all my free time to the yarn instead of having to divide downtime between words and yarn as I do now.  I can't help but dream; I'm a Pisces.  But until that day comes, I will continue to work on yarn projects with joyful abandon and write what the voices tell me to.  The yarn is a balm to my soul.  The words are written to make the voices go quiet...and because the BFF demands entertainment (she's a Scorpio, so she can't help it either).  

And sometimes, the need to write outweighs the need to craft.  But that never lasts for long.

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