
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

The Kids

So.  I like babysitting for a few hours.  I get some baby snuggles and some loves and chase a couple of kids and change a few diapers and then I'm good to go.  Right?  

Eight hours is a long time.

I'm up before the sun because I've got kid duty today (don't even get me started on how that happened).  I can tell you it was especially hard to drag my bum out of bed.  And I was going to take them out but now I'm not sure if that's going to happen because I can't chase after both of them at the same time and I've yet to recruit some assistance.  

Ah well.  At any rate, I can tell you I'll be well and truly knackered by the time they leave.  I can only hope they have a good long nap today.  We shall see.  But I'm already looking forward to my nap.

Eight hours is a really long time.  


  1. It is! Poor Kris, enjoy your nap when you get it.

    1. Really long day! But it's finally nap time! Huzzah! :)
