
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Ribbit Ribbit

I started the BFF's birthday present the other day just because I wanted something other to work on.  I got a good portion done.  And then I got to the pattern stitches...and promptly fucked it all all up.  


I don't know what I did.  I can't figure out how I did the stitches wrong.  But now, I have to figure out if I can frog it back to the good part, which is only three or so rows, and not lose any stitches, or if I should just rip the whole thing out and start over.  That's the bad thing about knitting.  Sometimes, it's impossible to go back and fix your mistakes and you just have to start over.  I suppose I could try to tink (that's knit backwards, literally!) but I don't know if that would be a successful endeavor either.  I guess it wouldn't hurt to try either method, frogging or tinking, and then, if it doesn't work, just yank the whole thing out.  Because if it works, then it's good.  And if it doesn't, I'd have to frog the whole thing anyway.

I really love that yarning has it's own language.  I'm a fan of making up words.  Well, it's more like I change the meaning of words from what they actually mean to suit my purposes.  So the fact that there are words in the yarning vernacular that don't mean anything in real life, but make perfect sense in the world of yarn, appeals greatly to my sense of whimsy.  

At any rate, I'm gonna attempt that tonight.  I think.  We'll see how it all goes.


  1. 'tink' lol. I immediately thought of Peter Pan. :)

    1. I always do too! Perhaps that's why it's not a word, or a method for that matter, I use all that often. Lol
