
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Comfort Shopping

This upcoming weekend, I'm going to take a trip to my LYS and do a little shopping.  No, of course I don't need more yarn.  Just want.  :)

Things have been...not great in certain aspects of my life.  And I need a little comfort.  And see, my LYS moved locations (not too far from the original one) and so there's going to be a whole new layout which is always fun to explore.  And new yarns, because she had a big sale so she didn't have to move as much (which I sadly did not partake in) and then she had to replenish her stock.  So that's always hella exciting.

And yarn shopping is just....yeah, it's one of my big comforts.  Actually, just going to the LYS and being surrounded by all that luscious yarn is the comfort.  I may or may not walk out of there with yarn.  Probably I will, I'm not going to lie, but maybe only a little. 

The only project that I have on the needles right now is finishing the BFF's mitts.  Okay, wait, that's not true, but that's the only one I have to get done.  The rest are gravy.  At some point in the near future, I'll finish that.  Honestly, my life has been taken up by reading and writing lately and I haven't done much yarning.  Very little in fact.  I think I need some of that balance back.  

So anyway, there's yarn shopping on Saturday at the new store and I'm a bit excited.

On a side note:  I got a really heartfelt and warm thank you note for the baby's blanket this week. My coworker's wife really loved it, and that makes me very pleased. And it was really nice to get that note, because not enough people do the thank you note thing anymore.  I, myself, have dropped the ball on that on occasion.  But getting that was wonderful, and it reminds me that it's the right and good thing to do. Showing appreciation is never a bad thing.   


  1. It's particularly impressive that she wrote the note when she's probably exhausted from looking after the new baby and coping with all the changes. I think she really liked it!

    1. Oh, that's a good point Helena! It makes me feel very special that she took the time to pen the note when she would probably rather be sleeping. :)

  2. Just walking through the yarn shop door will make you feel better, I'm sure. It's nice to have something to look forward to as well, isn't it?

    That new baby has been born into a nice family, hasn't he? I thought it was sweet that you got the thank you email from the baby *g*, but now a hand-written note, too. Lovely.

    1. I'm super excited about my trek to the yarn store. And sister-time lunch out afterwards! :)

      He really has. They are really good peole
