
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Here's What Happened...

I have a lot to be thankful for this year and I made sure to be extra appreciative yesterday.  We had a wonderful family dinner--there was so much food--and even though Brub was in Massachusetts and his presence was missed, we still had a good time.  After dinner, and while we enjoyed our pie, we played a game.  There was one point where we were laughing so hard, everything hurt and I couldn't breathe.  I really have an awesome family.  

Today is my last day of work before I have a week off.  I'm pretty excited about having vacation time.  I'm not doing anything exciting...just hanging out and sleeping in late and drinking my coffee in my pajamas.  But it'll be nice.  I'm hoping to watch a bunch of Christmas movies and get some yarning done and maybe even some editing.  I will most likely write. 

Worth It will be released for individual sale on Sunday, December 1st, as will the rest of the stories from the Heartwarming anthology.  I'm both nervous and excited.  I wrote a story that's going to be out there for the public to read.  I really don't even know how to feel right now.

Sis loved her blanket! She's been wrapped up in it since yesterday.  I keep telling her it's too long and she keeps refuting me.  I'm happy she's happy.  And I'm incredibly happy that it's done and I don't have to think about it anymore.  I already have plans for the extra yarn.  Eventually.  If I get to it.

The Christmas season is officially upon us!  I need more decorations.  Just sayin'.

Enjoy your weekend everyone!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Some Christmas decorations may or may not have already found their way out of storage and onto the walls/tables/doorways.  I take the 5th on the grounds that what I say might incriminate me.

But!  Good news!  Fantastic news!  Yes, it's true.  I finished Sis's blanket!  You're shocked and surprised, I know.  But it really is done and I have the photographic evidence to prove it!

 Ta Da!  Here it is, ladies and gents!  The finished product.  Can I just tell you how relieved I am?  Cause, seriously.  It took forever and a lot of that was me being lazy and just not wanting to.  But I realized yesterday afternoon I was in the home stretch, that it was almost done and if I just put in a few hours more work, I could finish it off.  It did take a bit longer than I anticipated, of course.  Because I kept getting distracted by the TV and I was knitting kind of slowly.  But then I got down to it and just got it done.

Finished size: 60" by 120"  Big right?  Honestly, I could have kept going a bit and made it wider but...well, it was big enough and it was unwieldy and I was ready for it to be done.  Yes, I have a couple of skeins left over.  But that just means they can be used for another project in the future.  A big, thick, cushy scarf or shawl, I'm thinking.  I wish you guys could feel this yarn.  It's so soft and cozy.

She had no idea it's finished yet.  I'm going to leave it for her to find.  Because that amuses the crap out of me.  Not going to say a word, just kind of drop it off.  I'll be giggling about that all day.  And just in time too, as the snow has finally started and is apparently sticking around.  Now, she can stop nagging!

This is it, all laid out on the floor.  You really can't grasp just how long it is. Because I knitted it garter stitch, it scrunches up a little in the middle when it's just left to it's own devices.  But it's got a lot of stretch so it's made for tucking around your body.

But it's done.  And I am pleased.  I just hope she likes it.  I mean, I know she'll like it.  I just hope she doesn't have any complaints about it as well.  Love my sister to bits and pieces, but sometimes she's a complainer.  I just don't want to hear about how she wishes it were bigger.  Of course, I think she knows better than to say that to me.  Plus, she's a yarner herself so she knows how much work goes into it.  I really think she'll appreciate the heck out of it.

And hey!  I finished it a month earlier than last years!  This time, it's only 10 months late! :)

Monday, November 25, 2013

Season's Greetings

All right, I have a confession to make.  

This past weekend?  I broke out the Christmas movies.  I know, I know!  It's nearly an unforgivable act.  But I couldn't help myself.  First, someone was talking about holiday movies on his blog and it got me into the spirit.  So, I broke down on Friday night and popped in a classic animated film.  

Then Saturday night, the BFF and I had one of our nights, just hanging out and chilling.  One of our favorite movies of all time is Love, Actually which takes place at Christmas time.  And then we followed it up with The Holiday.

So, since we busted through that "no Christmas movies before Thanksgiving" rule and left it smashed to smithereens, I went ahead and watched some more last night.  

And I've gotta say, it's really helping me to get in the spirit of the holiday season.  I have vague plans to decorate a bit in my space, which will be nice.  But that I really am saving until next weekend, for after Thanksgiving.  

I love the feel good emotions of the season.  I love remembering it's about giving and joy. Some of my best memories are from Christmases past.  

Here's wishing everyone a joyous holiday season to come!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Weird Day

I had a weird day yesterday.  I can't even tell you exactly why.  I was sort of mood swingy, I guess.  Some good stuff happened and some less that good stuff happened.  I overslept by a few minutes and was rushing to get ready to leave on time.  Work was both good and bad.  I came home and slaved over a hot stove and made dinner...and then it turned out that it was completely unnecessary for me to cook. 

And then, finally, I made it up the stairs and made a pot of tea and sat in my chair and listened to my book and knitted.  And all was right with the world.

Tomorrow, I'm on kid duty.  Which means I'll be hauling my poor bum out of bed long before the sun rises.  And then I'll be chasing after them all day long.  I'll be exhausted but I'll also enjoy it.  And they will nap a couple of times and that will make things easier on me.  But after the kids are gone and I've had myself a bit of a nap?

After that, the BFF and I are going to our diner for dinner.  And then there will be movies and a tea party followed by wine and snacks.  It's going to be so good.  Just hanging out with her and talking and laughing.  Which means I'll probably be MIA this weekend, as I will need to recover from all the awesomeness.  It's going to be so good! (Yes, I know I already said that, it bears repeating)

I just have to get through today, and then the fun can begin.  Enjoy your weekend everybody!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Tea and Sympathy

I feel good about last night.

Last night, after a bit of dusting, I sat down in my rocking chair with a cup of tea and my knitting.  It was peaceful.  It was tranquil.  The tea was exceptionally tasty and I was working on Sis's blanket.  I finished another skein.  Now, only four more to go.  I tried talking her into letting it be done, because it more than covers the lap, but she wants it as big as it can get.  I guess I'll keep on knitting.

I intend to do it again tonight.  Yes, the knitting is still unbelievably boring, but I have an audiobook to finish.  And that really helps.  I'm not sure if I'll actually get it done before the "deadline" but I'm going to try.  And really, next year, cash.  That's what she's getting.

But it was so nice to come home, do a little cleaning, and then to just sit down and have a nice cup of tea and work on something.  No stresses, no worries, no interruptions.  Nothing pressing down and demanding it get done.  Just a nice relaxing night with a warm beverage and a soft and cuddly blanket on my lap.  

Weekend looks like it's going to be busy.  Fun, but busy.  So I'm taking tonight for me again because the rest of the nights are taken up with awesome.  

But this is what I learned: never underestimate the benefits of a good cup of tea.  

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Book of Patterns

I was actually surprised to find how many pattern books I don't have.  

Really, you'd think I'd have a ton of them.  But I don't.  I have eight.  And a knitting stitch dictionary.  That's it.  The funny thing is, I really thought I had a lot more.  But as I was unpacking and putting them on the shelf, I found myself thinking "Huh.  That's it?"  I think about all the hundreds I've looked through in the store and I wonder why I haven't bought them.

Truth is, sometimes they can be rather expensive.  And if they don't have more than a pattern or two that I really like, then I'm good about putting it back on the store shelf.  But I also think about all the ones that I've seen that I wish I had bought...and I'm now regretting a little that I didn't.

Yes, there are thousands and thousands of patterns free online.  And I love perusing them.  Love.  It.  I can get sucked in and be there for hours.  And that's awesome.  And I'm glad it's a resource that's available to me.  

But I wish I had more books.

So, that's what I'm putting on my Christmas wishlist this year.  Pattern books.  I'm sure my family Santa will be able to find some that I'll love.  And that would just make my Christmas, to see a couple of pattern books under the tree.  

A girl can hope, can't she?

Monday, November 18, 2013

Prehistoric Scotland was on the Equator

There's a tidbit of information for you.  (I watched Prehistoric Park again this weekend)

Remember when I bought that yarn from Scotland?  I bought three skeins; two for me and one for my Auntie.  Well, the one that I had intended for my Auntie was a tangled mess.  I spent sometime yesterday trying to sort it out but, yeah, I gave up.  It's really bad.  And I don't have the kind of time to sit there and untangle it.  It's worse because it's in a hank and it's just all twisted around.  So it's gone back in the drawer and someday I'll untangle it and make something with it.  In the meantime, I decided to use the yarn I bought with the intent to make something for me for her instead.  Yesterday, I decided to see if I could find a pattern online that I would like to use, since I decided to crochet it instead of knitting like I originally thought (because I don't have enough time to knit a full sized shawl) and lucky me, the very first one I clicked on was perfect.  That rarely happens.  But I started it and I like it and it's going to be great.

I have to work on Izzy's shawl too but I wanted something that requires a little less thought.  Plus, I have vacation time coming up and I can spend some time then working it as well.

The baby's party was a fun time!  She got distracted by the toys that she opened and didn't want to keep opening presents.  She's two so it was to be expected. She's wonderfully affectionate and loves to give and get hugs.  A good time was had by all, especially my goddaughter and that's what matters.

Like I said, I adore that faction of the family.  We get along, there's not drama, we all respect and love each other.  It's always positive.  Like any family, there are people in mine who are constantly negative and mean, because that makes them feel better about themselves, I guess.  It hurts and I try to rise above, but it's not always easy.  But with the family members I spent time with yesterday, it's always good.  It was a fun filled and joyous time.  As it should be.

Another work week has begun.  Time to head off to the day job.  Enjoy your day, and I'll try to do the same! 

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Finally Settled.

I moved about two months ago.  And finally, finally, everything is unpacked and I'm settled.  It took me most of the day, but I'm feeling incredibly accomplished. 

I did end up going back to the store and buying the cube shelving unit that I wanted.  It's now housing my yarn.  Well, some of it, anyway.  All the stuff that's current or extras that I use often is there.  I love it a lot and it's just perfect for my needs.  It's surprisingly solid for assembled furniture and it was actually a lot easier to put together than I feared.  

I'm going to spend a good portion of the day celebrating my goddaughter's birthday.  She's two (or will be tomorrow) and just the most beautiful girl in the world.  Of course I'm biased.  But she's a delight, even if she's got a bit of a temper right now, and we all adore her to bits and pieces. Happy Birthday, Baby!

Hope everyone has a lovely Sunday and that the week ahead is good! 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Right On Target

I walked out of the store and immediately sent The BFF a text that said "Target was a complete success!"

Her immediate response? "Well, duh!"

I love Target.  Good prices, a little higher end merchandise than Wal-Mart (not there's anything wrong with Wal-Mart), and it has everything you need.  The only problem with Target is I want to buy all the things!  Instead, I just made a mental list of what I would get in a few weeks, or a few months, when I was a bit more settled and had a better idea of my needs.

What I bought: a curtain, a curtain rod, a mattress pad, a power strip with surge protector, a toy, batteries, tap lights, a snack, Command Strips, and kitty litter.  Now, tell me, how awesome is it that I could go to one store and get everything I needed in one go?

What I wanted to buy: an ottoman with storage inside, a stackable cube shelving unit, a chair, sheets, a lamp, a hook rail, picture frames,  and a hamper.  There were probably other things that I would want, but I finally made myself leave so as not to be tempted any further.

I got what I needed and I have a list for the future.  I'm all set for now.

I have much to do this weekend and I'll be a busy girl.  And I'll be exhausted when it's over.  But I know I will feel accomplished and that is an awesome feeling.      

Friday, November 15, 2013


Oh, God, I really am.  I sort of think that I need to join a 12-step.  Except, the fiber addicted really don't need to reform, now do we?

My goddaughter's birthday snuck up on me and there was so much other that I was doing that I didn't actually make her anything.  That's okay because I did get her a sweet little outfit and when I go shopping tonight after work I'll pick her up a toy too.  Because she's two and godmothers should be practical as well as frivolous, don't you think?  We're celebrating on Sunday and it'll be fun.

Last night, I was lazy.  In that I didn't get anything done that I should have been doing.  But I did knit!  And gasp!  Can you believe it? I actually worked on Sis' blanket!  I know, I know.  Try to contain your shock.  Thanks to a great suggestion (thanks again, Helena!) I pulled up an audiobook that I've had for practically ever and got through the first couple of chapters and just knitted away.  I actually had a fair bit of fun whilst doing it too.  So tonight, after some shopping, I think I'm going to do it again. 

My weekend will be jam packed, I think.  Some cleaning and organizing (blargh) and helping with the munchkins tomorrow and then party fun on Sunday.  So tonight, after I get the things I need, I'm just going to relax, listen to some more book, and keep my lap warm with Sis's blanket.  I'll actually feel like I'm getting something accomplished and I can relax and mentally prep for a busy weekend.  Because even though it'll be a good time, yes, it will be busy and I don't do so well with that sometimes.  

When the audiobook stalled out right after chapter two (I had to restart it, my computer went weird) and I just had to finish the row I was on before I could reach out and fix it, I got absorbed in the awesome yarn.  And I started thinking about this other awesome yarn I recently worked with (Kodiak by Berroco, seriously hella awesome) and I started imagining what I would make with it because I intend to go back and buy some more to make something for me.  And I was thinking about how my hands are always cold at work and I really should make myself a pair of fingerless mitts like I've been wanting to do for forever.  And I was thinking about the yarn that I bought and had shipped from Scotland and how I need to make Auntie's shawl before her birthday.  And I was thinking about Izzy's shawl that needs to get done before her birthday.  And I was thinking about how I have to make the BFF's Christmas present.  And I was thinking about how I love to buy yarn almost as much as I like to make things with it.  I was thinking all of those things in the five minutes or so it took me to finish the row when it sort of hit me, all over again, like a brand new thought (though I've had it many a time before) that I truly am a yarnaholic.  Which brings us full circle.

But I won't be joining a 12-step.  I will hold my head high and proclaim it to the world.  "Hello, my name is Kris, and I'm a yarnaholic!"

Have a splendid weekend y'all!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Winter Is Coming

And no, I'm not channeling the motto of House Stark.

It was only about last week that I had to finally break out the light jacket to wear when I went outside.  Before that a sweater or sweatshirt was more than enough.  Last couple of days, the temperature dipped pretty low but still nothing too extreme.  And then yesterday?  Snow.  That actually stuck.  Technically, we got a "trace" but, yeah, winter is coming.  

Now, I am well pleased that I live in a region that has four distinct seasons. And I, personally, could never live anywhere that it didn't snow because to me, that's what winter is all about.  But I want it to snow from the day after Thanksgiving to about the third of January...and only fall on the grass, trees, and buildings and not accumulate on the roads.  That's not too much to ask for, now is it?

One of the things I love best about wintertime though, and I'm sure this will come as a great big shock and surprise to you, is the scarves and hats and gloves.  Love winter wear.  A lot.  I love making it and I love wearing it and it always makes me feel cozy and warm and special.  I still need to make a pair of fingerless mitts for me.  But I have a hand knitted scarf, made for me by my mother before I got into knitting and one I've knit myself.  I have another that Tato got me for my birthday that's very long and thick and warm.  I don't usually wear hats because I usually wrap my long hair in a bun, but I want one and have been contemplating patterns for a long while.  I've also been having fantasies about making a cowl.

But winter is here and that means the end of autumn.  Which is always a sad time for me because fall really is my favorite of the seasons.  But knitwear...happy sigh.  I love winter knit wear.  And that makes the season a lot more bearable for me.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Accomplishing Words and Yarn.

I finished writing the first draft of the novel I started on the 1st of November.  When I told Brub, he looked at the calendar and said very solemnly, "You did it wrong."  I frowned confused.  He said, "It's called novel writing month, not novel writing ten days."  I just grinned.

But now that first draft is completed, Sis has gone back to badgering me to finish her blanket.  She said I promised and she keeps making not subtle comments about how it's cold and "it sure would be nice to cuddle up under a big, thick, cozy blanket."  I supposed she's right.  So while I take a few days break from writing anything (excluding blog posts) I'll be working on that.  Which, for the record, still bores me to death and I still don't want to work on because it's boring. But I will and hopefully make some progress.  If I want to get technical (which I totally will) as long as I give it to her by the 30th of December, I'll have fulfilled my promise to get it to her faster than the last one.  Seriously, when it's her birthday again two months from now, I'm giving her cash.  

But I feel good and accomplished.  And riding that writing high, the next story is already making itself known.  I'm still in the "plot bunnies running 'round my brain" stage.  But I know the overarching plot.  I got my two guys and I know how they meet and where they end up and why.  It's just getting them from point A to point B that's the trouble.  

And after finishing the BFF's mitts and the other project and starting Izzy's shawl, I'm in a good place, yarn-wise.  So I need to get a move on on Sis's blanket.  I have the whole first week of December off from work, which means that I can spend a great deal of time yarning.  

Then again, if I can accomplish a bunch of yarning before then I just might see if I can write full time that week.  And see if I can churn out the first draft of a novel in 7 days.  

Sunday, November 10, 2013


--Saw Thor and adored it.  I was pleasantly surprised by all the funny.  My favorite line? "Ta Da!"  If/when you see it you'll understand.

--Then back to the house for food, cake and prezzies.  Chocolate cupcakes with PB frosting were to die for.  I wish I hadn't stuffed myself so full of Chinese food before hand so I could have eaten more than one.  

--Present anecdote: The BFF opens my gift, on which I didn't actually say was from me, and she grinned and said, "I know who this is from!"  Without missing a beat, Marvin says, "Well, you know I've been working really hard.  And let me tell you, it's been a bitch to hide it from you living in the same house!"  We all laughed.  She was super happy with them and excited that she can now be warm at work.  Being the best friend of a yarner, she knew what questions to ask about laundry care.  I was pleased.

--Got home late and, since I didn't get my nap yesterday, was exhausted.  I fell into bed and slept hard all the way through to morning.

Now, I'm going to finish a novel.  I've got less than 6,000 words to meet my goal of 50,000 and maybe 10-12,000 for the entire thing to be done.  I'm really going to do my damnedest to get all the words on the page today.  They don't have to be perfect, I'll polish it up when I edit.  But I really want to complete it, so I'm going to try.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

A Birthday Party!

Today, we're going to celebrate the awesomeness that is my BFF.  Now, her birthday is actually three days from now, but why should that matter?  It doesn't!  So this evening there will be movie--Thor: The Dark World--and then back to her place for hanging out, food, chocolate cupcakes with peanut butter frosting, fun, laughter, and prezzies!

I have to say, I'm a bit nervy about my gift.  I've got myself half convinced that she won't like them.  And I'm worried that they won't fit right.  Or that it's not enough of a prezzie and that it'll be lacking.  Admittedly, my crafting confidence is a bit shaken with the whole baby shower debacle.  But this isn't about me so I need to let it go.

No, today is about the BFF and celebrating all things her.  She's my heart and the other half of my brain.  My kindred spirit.  I'm a lucky girl to have her in my life.  She gets me like nobody else.  My world is better because she's in it.

Love you, BFF.  Have a splendid birthday!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

If I Were Rich

--I'd spend all day, every day writing.  

--I'd by all the yarn that I wanted, whenever I wanted, and take breaks from writing to work on projects.

--I'd give more than just a few dollars and a bit of my time to the charities that matter, the ones that actually do good things in this world.

--I'd buy a 1967 Corvette and drive it around when the weather was nice...even though I hate driving.

--I'd buy a house in the country, surrounded by at least 20 acres of open space.  

--I'd finally get an iguana.

--I'd have a 500 gallon saltwater tank filled with the brightest and most beautiful fish and sea creatures.

--I'd have a tree house built by Pete Nelson.

--I'd go on holiday and visit Scotland.

What can I say?  I'm an avid daydreamer and I like to dream big.  

What about you?  If money were no object, what are your dreams?

Monday, November 4, 2013

What's Going On...

All right.  Here's the truth.  Second Blessing (for those of you who care and follow along) is on temporary hiatus.  I hate to say it and I hate to do it, but my mind is very elsewhere right now.  Can't tell Daniel and Sean's story when they've gone silent.  Or, more to the point, have been drowned out by other voices.  So you won't see anything from them this November.  I apologize if that makes you angry or upset.  

Halloween, I mostly hid away and waited for midnight.  But while I was waiting, I got the first repeat done for Izzy's birthday present.  I think it's going to be pretty awesome once it's done.  Have I told you what it is?  I don't think that I have.  It's a shawl...with skulls.  Seriously.  Skulls.  It's pretty Gothic awesome.

Other than Izzy's shawl, the only thing on my list to do and get finished (other than Sis's blanket, yes I know, I'm not going to make my deadline on that) is Autnie's shawl.  Still haven't found a pattern.  Still don't know what I'm going to do.  I think it's going to have to end up being crocheted because I don't have the time to knit it.  But that's all right.  I'll worry about that next month.  I have until the beginning of January.

I did have a productive weekend that I feel really good about though.  I wrote a lot, which was so good.  It feels good.  And I'm riding that high.

Babysat for the bulk of Saturday.  I adore those kids and we had a good time.  The baby was fighting sleep so hard.  I gave her to Tato and she snuggled down on his chest and he started humming.  Out like a light and she slept for more than an hour, which she needed so badly.  Way to go, Tato!  

I don't have much going on this week, which is how I like it.  Work, words, the season finale of Face Off, downtime with the yarn.  And then finish off the week with celebrating the BFF's birthday. It's going to be good.

How about you?  Anything exciting going on?

Friday, November 1, 2013

I Hate Waiting

The title of the post is said in the vein of Inigo Montoya.  You killed his father.  Prepare to die--okay, no not really. But remember that scene in The Princess Bride when the Man In Black is climbing up the face of the cliff and Inigo is at the top waiting to kill him?  And the Man in Black is taking a long time and Inigo announces he hates waiting?  Yes, that is me.

I'm writing this Thursday night as I wait, wait, wait for midnight.  See?  I'm doing NaNoWriMo, which you know, and the rules say you start writing at midnight.  Now, I'm not usually opposed to bending rules a bit.  But here's the thing: I've taken on this challenge and I'm determined to not only complete it but to do it all within the confines of the rules.  

So after I found the yarn for Izzy's prezzie and watched a bit of TV...I'm at loose ends. Because I'm just waiting for midnight.  I'm going to start Izzy's shawl and maybe get one repeat done, and I'll be dead tired when midnight rolls around.  But I'm going to start writing.  Even if it's just a couple of paragraphs.  Because that's when this whole thing starts.  

I have a feeling that I'm going to be cranky tomorrow, I get grumpy when I'm tired and a bit snappish, but when I get home from work, it'll be back to the computer.  Everyday, there will be words on the page.  It's only 1667 words a day.  I can do that.  I've done it before.  Only this time, I'll be forcing the muse to do what I want instead of the other way around.

Wish me luck.  I'm going to need it.