
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Accomplishing Words and Yarn.

I finished writing the first draft of the novel I started on the 1st of November.  When I told Brub, he looked at the calendar and said very solemnly, "You did it wrong."  I frowned confused.  He said, "It's called novel writing month, not novel writing ten days."  I just grinned.

But now that first draft is completed, Sis has gone back to badgering me to finish her blanket.  She said I promised and she keeps making not subtle comments about how it's cold and "it sure would be nice to cuddle up under a big, thick, cozy blanket."  I supposed she's right.  So while I take a few days break from writing anything (excluding blog posts) I'll be working on that.  Which, for the record, still bores me to death and I still don't want to work on because it's boring. But I will and hopefully make some progress.  If I want to get technical (which I totally will) as long as I give it to her by the 30th of December, I'll have fulfilled my promise to get it to her faster than the last one.  Seriously, when it's her birthday again two months from now, I'm giving her cash.  

But I feel good and accomplished.  And riding that writing high, the next story is already making itself known.  I'm still in the "plot bunnies running 'round my brain" stage.  But I know the overarching plot.  I got my two guys and I know how they meet and where they end up and why.  It's just getting them from point A to point B that's the trouble.  

And after finishing the BFF's mitts and the other project and starting Izzy's shawl, I'm in a good place, yarn-wise.  So I need to get a move on on Sis's blanket.  I have the whole first week of December off from work, which means that I can spend a great deal of time yarning.  

Then again, if I can accomplish a bunch of yarning before then I just might see if I can write full time that week.  And see if I can churn out the first draft of a novel in 7 days.  


  1. Poor Sis, I wonder if she ever thinks of withholding your birthday gift for a year? :0)

    1. Shhhh. Don't give her any ideas! If she made me something, I'd wait too. Lol :)

  2. May I suggest listening to a really good audiobook while you knit? You'll get so engrossed that you'll not only finish it, you'll make Sis's blanket bigger than planned!

    1. Oooohhh! You know, that would be the perfect project to do that with! In the past, when I've tried, I find I get engrossed in one or the other and can't pay attention to both. But this blanket requires no concentration. And I happen to have one that I've never found the time to listen to. Excellent suggestion, Helena! Thank you!

    2. You're welcome! It was the fact that it bores you so much that made me think you'd have attention to spare for a book. Hope it does the trick so you can finish the blanket.
