
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Prehistoric Scotland was on the Equator

There's a tidbit of information for you.  (I watched Prehistoric Park again this weekend)

Remember when I bought that yarn from Scotland?  I bought three skeins; two for me and one for my Auntie.  Well, the one that I had intended for my Auntie was a tangled mess.  I spent sometime yesterday trying to sort it out but, yeah, I gave up.  It's really bad.  And I don't have the kind of time to sit there and untangle it.  It's worse because it's in a hank and it's just all twisted around.  So it's gone back in the drawer and someday I'll untangle it and make something with it.  In the meantime, I decided to use the yarn I bought with the intent to make something for me for her instead.  Yesterday, I decided to see if I could find a pattern online that I would like to use, since I decided to crochet it instead of knitting like I originally thought (because I don't have enough time to knit a full sized shawl) and lucky me, the very first one I clicked on was perfect.  That rarely happens.  But I started it and I like it and it's going to be great.

I have to work on Izzy's shawl too but I wanted something that requires a little less thought.  Plus, I have vacation time coming up and I can spend some time then working it as well.

The baby's party was a fun time!  She got distracted by the toys that she opened and didn't want to keep opening presents.  She's two so it was to be expected. She's wonderfully affectionate and loves to give and get hugs.  A good time was had by all, especially my goddaughter and that's what matters.

Like I said, I adore that faction of the family.  We get along, there's not drama, we all respect and love each other.  It's always positive.  Like any family, there are people in mine who are constantly negative and mean, because that makes them feel better about themselves, I guess.  It hurts and I try to rise above, but it's not always easy.  But with the family members I spent time with yesterday, it's always good.  It was a fun filled and joyous time.  As it should be.

Another work week has begun.  Time to head off to the day job.  Enjoy your day, and I'll try to do the same! 


  1. It'd be good if we were nearer the equator now! It's cold out there and they're forecasting snow for this week.

    That's a shame about your Scottish yarn. :( I hope you do get the good of it.

    1. Oooh. Stay warm!

      And I'll show it who's boss...eventually. One day I'll have the time to devote to untangling the thing and then it will be aweome.
