
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Tea and Sympathy

I feel good about last night.

Last night, after a bit of dusting, I sat down in my rocking chair with a cup of tea and my knitting.  It was peaceful.  It was tranquil.  The tea was exceptionally tasty and I was working on Sis's blanket.  I finished another skein.  Now, only four more to go.  I tried talking her into letting it be done, because it more than covers the lap, but she wants it as big as it can get.  I guess I'll keep on knitting.

I intend to do it again tonight.  Yes, the knitting is still unbelievably boring, but I have an audiobook to finish.  And that really helps.  I'm not sure if I'll actually get it done before the "deadline" but I'm going to try.  And really, next year, cash.  That's what she's getting.

But it was so nice to come home, do a little cleaning, and then to just sit down and have a nice cup of tea and work on something.  No stresses, no worries, no interruptions.  Nothing pressing down and demanding it get done.  Just a nice relaxing night with a warm beverage and a soft and cuddly blanket on my lap.  

Weekend looks like it's going to be busy.  Fun, but busy.  So I'm taking tonight for me again because the rest of the nights are taken up with awesome.  

But this is what I learned: never underestimate the benefits of a good cup of tea.