
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Book of Patterns

I was actually surprised to find how many pattern books I don't have.  

Really, you'd think I'd have a ton of them.  But I don't.  I have eight.  And a knitting stitch dictionary.  That's it.  The funny thing is, I really thought I had a lot more.  But as I was unpacking and putting them on the shelf, I found myself thinking "Huh.  That's it?"  I think about all the hundreds I've looked through in the store and I wonder why I haven't bought them.

Truth is, sometimes they can be rather expensive.  And if they don't have more than a pattern or two that I really like, then I'm good about putting it back on the store shelf.  But I also think about all the ones that I've seen that I wish I had bought...and I'm now regretting a little that I didn't.

Yes, there are thousands and thousands of patterns free online.  And I love perusing them.  Love.  It.  I can get sucked in and be there for hours.  And that's awesome.  And I'm glad it's a resource that's available to me.  

But I wish I had more books.

So, that's what I'm putting on my Christmas wishlist this year.  Pattern books.  I'm sure my family Santa will be able to find some that I'll love.  And that would just make my Christmas, to see a couple of pattern books under the tree.  

A girl can hope, can't she?


  1. *g* You'll have to tell us of all the occasions you manage to slip a hint into family conversations!

    1. I've been taking hints from Sis so I'm going to try her subtle hints like "it's really cold in here, it would be nice if I had a great big blanket to cuddle under" and change it to "it's cold in here, it would be nice if I had a pattern book of winter wear/afghans/geek knits" Think it'll work? :)

    2. Lol. Better be more precise, though, or you'll end up with one you already have, so - "it would be nice if I had so and so's such and such pattern book."
