
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Can You Smell That Smell?

Isn't it curious how smell is such a strong trigger?

Yesterday, driving home, I didn't put the top down on the convertible because it was way to hot and humid and I needed the A/C but I did have the windows open for while to try and get the oven-like heat to dissipate.  So, I'm driving down the road and I get that amazing scent of freshly mown grass.  If I hadn't been the one behind the wheel, I would have closed my eyes and just breathed it in.  God, I love that smell.

It's on my list of favorites, along with freshly baked cinnamon rolls, ink, mint, coffee, and yarn.  

There's the bad smells, though, too.  Lavender makes me gag.  Sis smells like coconut and rose scented perfume smells amazing on Mom, but if I smell either of those scents not on them, it makes me wrinkle my nose in disgust.  Incense makes me sick to my stomach and gives me a headache.  

I've heard that scent can be the strongest trigger for memories.  And I can see the logic behind it.  I can't think of a lot personal examples of this though.  Except for the cinnamon rolls, because that always brings up fierce memories of Grandma.   

What about you?  Any scents that you absolutely love? Hate? Bring on memories that overwhelm?    


  1. Oh, I love the scent of fresh cut grass, too! One scent I love that brings back memories is flowering currant. I have memories of lying right underneath a big one we had in our garden when I was a child. Sometimes the dog would crawl under there with me. I can hear the hum of the bees above me and hear my father digging in the vegetable garden, so it would be a Saturday when I was off school and he was off work. :) I can't think of any particular one that I hate, though.

    1. Oh, I can see it now, little Alder and friend, hanging out under the magnificent plant, imagination running wild. What a lovely image!

    2. Me and the dog used to crawl under the garden shed too. :) In fact we could crawl right out of the garden that way since the shed was up against a wire fence with a field on the other side. And yes, my head was full of exciting adventures. :)

    3. I love that so much! That right there is the way to be a kid. Children these days don't seem to do much of that anymore. It's a sad, crying shame.
