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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Simple Joys

Remember when I said before that we get a lot of one on one sibling time?  Last night it was all about me and Tato.  Brub was off delivering his girlfriend to her mother at the halfway point and Mum went with him to keep him company and do some of the driving.  Sis was off on a vacation day with Toby.  So it was just me and Tato.  After I picked him up from work and we got fast food for dinner, we hung out and watched repeats of the show Face Off and just generally had a good time.  

During the drive we talked about a lot.  Most of our conversations run to the literature side of things.  We talk about what I'm working on and what we've read lately that gets us in the feels.  We talk about how he's a judgmental fool about certain things.  He doesn't dispute this fact.  He knows he has very strong opinions about certain aspects of the paranormal/Sci Fi/fantasy worlds and the way they work and he does not bend in his notions.  Not even a little.  Apparently Brandon Sanderson is a god among men and there are few writers out there who can compare.  At least according to Tato.  He lets me ramble on about whatever I've read recently that's touched me and even when he growls (which he does very well) or rolls his eyes or disagrees with some aspect, he appreciates the fact that I loved it and that I felt connected to it.  And when we discuss my current WIPs and he tells me how he thinks it should be instead of offering an unbiased opinion, I let him, because I can always glean information from him.  Even if I end up ignoring everything he says.  

But fast food and TV is kind of our thing.  Back when he was in college and I was taking him to school, he had this one semester where he only had one 50 minute class on Thursday.  And, occasionally, instead of taking him to class, we'd hit McDonald's and get breakfast and come back to the house, enjoy our meal, and watch TV.  Maybe not the smartest thing we ever did, but it was an enjoyable time.  

You know, every time I have a good time with one or more of my siblings, I wonder why I don't do it more often. 


  1. I was thinking I hadn't heard of Brandon Sanderson, but when I looked him up just now I see he's the one who finished off Robert Jordan's never ending 'Wheel of Time' series. That's a series I gave up on a LONG time ago. Maybe I'll try one of Brandon S's own novels since your brother recommends them. :)

    It's nice you have such a good relationship with your siblings and can talk to them about everything.

    1. I gave up on Wheel of Time about the fourth book. Cause seriously, I don't need seven pages of description about the tiniest detail. I'll get you a rec on the best Sanderson so you can start with a good one :)

      I'm pretty damn lucky and I know it. I have the best siblings in the world.

    2. Ok! Tato says the Mistborn series is an excellent place to start but his personal favorite is Way of Kings.

    3. I see my library service has the Mistborn series but not Way of Kings, so I'll request The Final Empire which is the first Mistborn book. I think I'll put a 'not in stock' request for Elantris as well, it sounds interesting. Thank your brother for the rec. :)

    4. He says you're very welcome and he wants to know what you think when you're done. He also says that if you like it, it'll get me to read them as well. He sent me a text glare with that...he's been trying to get me to read Sanderson for forever. ;)
