
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Weekend Not Plans

I've talked about it before but there are really not enough hours in the day.  Now, if I could just get rid of the pesky job that keeps a roof over my head and food in my belly and electricity to my computer and fish tank, I'd be all set.  Damn the world for needing money to make things function!

No, really.  I don't hate the job and if I have to go to work, there are worse places I could be spending my day (I know that for a fact as I've worked in a few of those places) so I can suck it up until I become independently wealthy or figure out a way to turn my writing/reading/yarning oh my! into a lucrative venture.  Now, before you suggest that I sell what I make, or write the next great novel and publish it for the masses, or find a reviewer or editing job, let me be quite clear about something: I have one of those twisted brains that makes it so whenever I have to do something I instantly don't want to.

Case in point, Sis's afghan.

So really, the only option for me is to become independently wealthy, perhaps by winning the lottery, so that I don't ever have to worry about how I'm going to pay the bills, and then I can just have all my time be leisure time, and do what I want only when I want to do it.  That's not asking too much is it?

Okay, enough whining.  I'm not making any real plans because we all know how, the instant I do that, they promptly go to shit.  But there are tentative...ideas, we shall call them, of gathering up some movies I love and spending a good deal of the weekend with yarn and movies.  And set myself the mini goals that help me get things accomplished.  Like: work on Sis's afghan for the length of The Avengers and then switch to the shawl while Despicable Me is on before picking up Sis's blanket again while I watch Horton Hears A Who and probably also Star Trek.  If I can actually accomplish something like that (because I'm not making plans dammit!) then I can maybe start playing with the new yarn.

And somewhere in there get the next episode of Soul Bond on the page and ready for consumption.

There!  That's a good Not Plan if I ever heard one!


  1. Hey, I'd requested 'Despicable Me' from the library and it arrived for me today, so we'll both be watching it this weekend!

    1. Hey look at us! 3500 miles apart and enjoying the same movie...of course, you'll be enjoying it before me with that 5 hour time difference. Let me know what you think of it!
