
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Lazarus Fish

Turns out, I still have five fish.

Weird thing to say, right?  Well, no.  Not entirely. You see, I have three bleeding heart tetras and two gouramis.  Only, for weeks, I'm talking at least three or four of them, every time I looked in the tank, I only saw four fish.  I would stare and move around to see in different angles, and there were only four fish.  And I was certain of that because there was one gourami and three tetras.  Period.  I looked and looked, and quadruple checked, but there were only four.  So I had sadly figured that one of the gouramis had died and got ate up by the other fishes.  Because I couldn't see a fish carcass either.  

And then, out of no where, this past weekend, when I looked in the tank, there are five!  I couldn't believe my eyes!  This time I was double and triple checking to make sure it wasn't the same gourami swimming very fast to another location in the tank.  And then they both swam up, side by side, to eat.  So I knew, for certain, I still had five fish.  

He came back from the dead!!

Okay, in all honesty, he was probably just hiding in the log every single time I look in the tank.  Which is a miracle in and of itself.  But still, five fish.  Swimming along.  All happy.  I keep checking.  And counting.  Still five.

Hey, I gotta take the miracles where I can get them.