
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Friday, March 14, 2014

WTF Mother Nature?

Tuesday was absolutely gorgeous: sunny, 50 degrees, balmy, beautiful.

Wednesday was a horrid snowstorm with 15 inches of accumulation.

Thursday was a bit snowy in the morning but sunny by the afternoon even if it barely broke into the teens.

Today?  Today is supposed to be mid forties by the afternoon and gorgeous sunshine all day.

So I repeat, WTF Mother Nature??

At least I don't have to worry about driving my little car.  And I can stop at the yarn store after work.  Go straight to the right yarn, pick it up, and leave.  No dawdling, no looking at other things.  Only buy what I need and get out.

I'm desperate enough to get the project finished that it may just work out like that!  Well, I can hope so anyway.  I'm currently playing the game of which store do I want to go to that has the best chance of having what I need.  I don't want to travel all over hither and yon.  I figure I'll try the one out by work, because that's the first place I ever found it not online.  Part of me thinks I should have just ordered it, but I was afraid of the whole yarn debacle that happened with Sis's yarn happening again.  So I'll just stop at the store and pray they have it.

Really should have picked up some when I saw it at the store a few weeks ago.  Ah well.  Hind sight is 20/20 right?

So, yeah, pretty day, yarn shopping, Friday is shaping up to be pretty good.  


  1. Mother Nature never wants us to take her for granted! *g* Good luck with the yarn.

    1. Oh, I bet you're right about that! And thank! I think I'm gonna need yarn blinders
