
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Shawl

The shawl was a big success!  My coworker loves it a lot a lot.  It actually keeps her warm, which is something she is not very often at work.  Only...she gets a bit itchy when she wears it. :(

Now, it's acrylic yarn so there shouldn't be any of the issues that comes with wool and animal fiber yarns.  But she thinks it goes beyond just rubbing against her skin itchy.  We are both hoping that it's just from the manufacturing process and that a good washing will take care of the problem.  She was nearly in tears when she told me this morning.  And I felt super badly about something I made making her itch.  I know itching.  Itching is a part of my daily life (I have dermatographism) and I'm also allergic to a lot of things.  So I feel horrible that it's giving her the itchies.

I really hope a wash in detergent made for sensitive skin will take care of the problem.  I tried to keep an up beat face on it, and insist that a washing would take care of it, but inside, I'm devastated.  It breaks my heart to think that she might not be able to wear it.

I'm trying to keep a positive frame of mind.  But I still feel bad.

I'm trying to think if there's a yarn I can use if I have to remake it.  


  1. Oh, that is a disappointment! I hope washing makes a difference.

    And poor you, having to put up with itches on a regular basis. *hugs*

    1. I really, really do too.

      And yeah, the itching isn't fun. But I'm also sort of used to it. *shrugs*
