
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Busy Weekend

Busy.  But good.

I got a great deal of yarning done.  And I feel very accomplished in that area.

Had some quality BFF time that was long overdue.  It was fantastic.

Took the two year old out with me on Saturday when I ran my errands.  He was incredibly well behaved and said Thank You and Bye to everyone we met.  It was fun and it gave my sister a bit of a break, as the baby was teething and feverish and had a cough and generally felt yucky.  It was tough for their mom to leave them in the morning for that reason, but she knew they were in good hands with my sister.  Sis needed a little time though, to give the baby attention without worrying about entertaining her brother.  We ate lunch out at McDonald's as a treat for his good behavior and he ate all his nuggets and all his apples but didn't care for the fries.  I thought that was pretty awesome.

Watched a lot of movies while yarning.  It reminded me that I want very much to plan and execute a heist...but only if it works out like awesome like it does in the movies.

Read Rhys Ford's latest offering Dirty Deeds the 4th book in the Cole McGinnis series.  It was fantastic.  I have so much love for this author and this series, it's kind of ridiculous.  But it was really, really good.  

Off to work, because I must, but not because I want to.  :)


  1. Definitely a busy weekend!!

    You could start your heist plans by knitting a balaclava for disguise! :D
