
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Cables and Characters

Yesterday, after the shenanigans that went on here, I had plot bunnies swimming in my head. I also wanted to play with the yarn.  So, I sat there, playing with cables, TV playing in the background but not paying attention to it at all because the voices would not shut up.  The muse seemed to particularly like the starting point inspired by the comments yesterday.  She wouldn't leave it alone.  And now I have two characters and a whole first chapter.  Where they go from here, I can't quite say.  The attraction is instant and I totally get why they get together...but I'm not quite sure why they stay together.  I'll keep them in my brain and we shall see what develops, hmm?

It's not what the BFF wants me to work on (don't try to deny it, dear :P) but I haven't felt inspired by that in a long time.  I don't know why.  Other than a burst a couple of weeks ago, that didn't go very far, it's all dried up in my head.  I guess it's a good thing that I haven't published that because otherwise I'd have fan who hated me for not producing anything.  As it is, The BFF is sad but as she loves me, she doesn't hold it against me.  Much.  

But I played with cables and thought up some characters...so it's not a total waste of a day, right?


  1. That was fun! Still smiling about it. You have to go with your muse. Don't fight it. It's easier that way.

    1. I'm still giggling about it too! And trying to fight against her is like struggling through quicksand...I get nowhere fast.

  2. Yay Mary, we'll get our dedication in a published story yet!

    And as for your muse Kris, I'm still recovering from you saying "the muse sometimes rides me like a porn star. " 0.o


    1. Heh heh heh. Well, it's true. There is no better way to describe it!

      And yes, it will absolutely be dedicated to the two of you!

  3. Hi girls! Kris, are you the Kris that won the Going For the Gold Anthology at Joyfully Jay? Hope so!

    1. Lol. I don't know! I don't remember entering that one honestly bc I had most of the books. That one I don't have though do if it is me then yay! If its not then yay for whoever it is. ;p

  4. The site said:

    All the authors/publishers have been notified and books should be on the way if they haven’t arrived already. Give them a bit of time, but if you don’t hear within a week or so on your prize, let me know and I’ll check it out.

    Going for Gold Anthology edited by EM Lynley: Kris and Carey

    1. Thanks for that. It looks like me, but I haven't gotten an email. So, I guess I'll wait and see. Thanks for looking out for me, Mary!
