
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Happy Anniversary

Today, For The Yarn Of It is one year old!  Huzzah!

*throws confetti everywhere*

I really can't believe a year has gone by so fast.  It doesn't seem like it's been so long.  I still remember with absolutely clarity when I decided to start the blog.  I'd been following a few of them for a bit, about a month or so, and I kept thinking I wanted to write my own.  But what to say?  What would it be about?  I was sitting at my desk (at the old job) and working, but my mind was half occupied with those thoughts.  And then, like a lightening bolt in the dark, I had the name of the blog.  It would be about my obsession with the fiber arts...and everything else that came into my brain.  I came home, I went to Blogger and the rest, as they say, is history.  It took me forever to figure stuff out (I'm slow sometimes) but before I knew it, I had a blog and I was actually blogging.  The muse fed me ideas to write about, and post titles that made me decide on what to include.  And I've met some amazing people through the blogosphere world.  And I am happy.

My life has changed in the last year and it's also stayed quite a bit the same.  But one thing is constant; the yarn.  So I will continue to write and yarn and share my trials, tribulations, joy, and sorrows here.

Thank you to all of you who stop by and take a few minutes out of your day to read my ramblings. It means a great deal to me; more than words can express.  


  1. Happy anniversary Kris! A huge milestone for sure. I enjoy whatever comes out of your brain that you feel like sharing. So thanks for sharing. Even if it's just hello.

    1. Awww, thanks Mary! And thank you for visiting and commenting. Always brings a smile to my face to see what you have to say!

  2. ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

    Happy Anniversary!


    1. Thank you! And thank you for visiting and being the first one to ever leave me a comment! Makes me grin every time!

    2. Hey that's no fair! Alder's got a five hour head start! Every day! Lol.

    3. Heh. That's very true. But we can't fault darling Alder for living in glorious Scotland, now can we? ;)

  3. LOL Mary!! Did you think I was a guy! Sorry no, I'm a middle aged female!! It's funny isn't it, how we have our own pictures of the way everyone on the blogosphere looks. :)

  4. Oh geez! I have no idea why I thought you were a guy. Just your name maybe. I truly never thought about it lol. Thanks for sharing! After all since we meet at Thorny's & 2 Boys, I didn't even blink when we talked about the Bata Shoe Museum LOL!

  5. You made me laugh out loud!! It never occurred to me people would think I was male. Alders are my favourite tree. :o)

  6. LOL! You two are great. I have to admit, I thought you were female, Alder. But then I thought I was just assuming!

    Alders are especially pretty, too. I like their leaves!

  7. Well I'm glad we can laugh about this! It's making my dorky embarrassment much more bearable lol. While we're on the topic - Kris, you're a girl right? Cause there's Kris Kristofferson and I want to clear up my dorkiness in one day.

  8. *snickersnort* Yup, I'm a girl, too. Kris is short for Kristen, in my case.

  9. Hey, Kris, maybe there could be a story in this. Two people get chatting on line and don't realise until they meet that they'd made a wrong assumption about the other's sex...

    1. That sounds a bit weird - a wrong assumption about the other's gender sounds better! LOL

  10. Well it better be dedicated to me! I suffered for it! Lol.

    Kristen is such a pretty name.

  11. You said that, Alder, and now I have plot bunnies bouncing around in my brain. What a cute-meet that wold be! And I promise, Mary, if I write it, you and your "dorky embarrassment" will get the dedication!

    And Mary, thanks, I'm fond of it, too.

  12. Better include Alder in the dedication. Couldn't have done it without "her"! Lol.

  13. "To Alder, for being a girl. And to Mary, who so thoughtfully sussed it out for us."
