
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Friday, March 29, 2013

To Hell With It

I'm making plans.  I don't care that they've, recently, all fallen apart.  I'm making them anyway.

Part of the anxiety issues I have is from the not knowing.  I need to know what to expect.  I need to know what I'll be doing and I need to know how people will react.  It's when those things are unclear that I have issues.  

So, it's Friday and the weekend is looming and I'm making plans.  

I'm going to work on that modular knitting thing I mentioned and see if I like it.  It seems easy enough and I know I'll either absolutely love it or absolutely loathe it.  There will be no in between.

I'm going to lay in bed and watch a movie while doing nothing else.  Usually, I multitask; write or knit or crochet.  But I'm going to use it as and opportunity to destress, give the movie my full attention and just chill.

I'm going to take a nap because that is one of my supreme guilty pleasures and last weekend, I hardly napped at all.  I'm not sure how that happened, but I feel deprived because of it.

And I'm going to take some time to just be; quiet, still, just be me alone with my thoughts.

I feel much better than I have over the last couple of days and I'm going to do my damnedest to keep that going.


  1. Good plan Kris! Multitasking is good for work! Not so much fun at home for me.

  2. Yes, exactly. I'm forcing myself to take a little decompression time.

  3. "time to just be" that sounds lovely.

    From time to time I make a to-do list, and then it sits on my desk for months and gets buried under other things. Often I'll do something, THEN add it to the list, just so I have something stroked off!

    Have a lovely weekend where all your plans unfold perfectly.

    1. From your lips to Gods ears. I'm hoping it works out!
