
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Friday, March 15, 2013

The Muse is Pleased

Apparently, last night was the night my muse decided to go bug nuts crazy.

First, while and work and during a text discussion with the BFF, she decided to scrap most of book five of the supernatural series that I've been writing for several years and take it in a completely different direction.

Then she reworked the dream pattern to something she liked even better.  I guess the third time really is the charm.  We are extra super pleased with this development and we cannot wait to get started on it.  I have a feeling it may be sooner rather than later.  It now looks like this:

 Then we wrote.  We wrote and wrote and wrote.  Ultimately, we ended up keeping the first three chapters of the original version and then throwing everything else out the window and starting a war.  We are pleased by this development too. And it felt really good, because I haven't been struck by the muse in that world in so very long.  I was having DTs because of the withdrawals.  I thought she abandoned me there.  And I love those characters so very much that I didn't want to never write them again.  All I can feel is relief, like a crack whore that got her next fix. 

But was that enough for the muse?  Oh no!  Of course not!  Because, you see, we have this serial story we're going to post on the blog now don't we?  So, of course, that needed some work, too.  So, after we wrote a couple thousand words there, the muse was finally, finally, sated.  I think she had all the cocaine she could handle and she's now sleeping it off in the corner.  

I'm hoping she's jonesing for it by the time I get home from work, because I have more plans to write!


  1. LOL I hope your muse has more up her sleeve, though. :) And the crochet is really pretty.

    1. Heh. She wouldn't leave me alone all day and couldn't understand why I was working instead of playing with the words, so I think it's safe to say she's got something cooking!

      And thanks! I like it the best out of all the versions.

  2. Awesome plans! Have a great weekend you two!
