
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Shindig, Breakfast, and Movie

I am a devout Whedonite.  Joss Whedon is my master.  

He created this show that aired ten years ago that got shafted by the network it aired on but developed a hardcore cult following.  I'm talking, of course, about Firefly.  Amazing show.  Yesterday, we had a shindig.  Essentially, we had us a little party, ate some good food, and watched episodes of Firefly.  It was awesome.

Today, no work.  Instead, the BFF and I are having one of our days.  We're going to breakfast at our place (yeah, we have a diner we go to and adore) and have our favorite breakfasts.  And then we're gonna hit the cinema and see Oz The Great and Powerful.

Even as happy as I am to have a day to destress and just hang out with the BFF, I'm already antsy about going to work tomorrow.  I'm trying very hard to not let the work thing stress me out at all, because I do like the job and the people I work with, and I suppose that on the one hand it's good I'm making a point to really pay attention to what I'm doing.  But on the other hand, it makes those eight hours tough.  

So, I'm going to do my damnedest just to enjoy the day.  Nothing better than a little playtime with my beautiful BFF.


  1. Joss Whedon, yes! I used to love watching Buffy. It got me through many a stressful week.

    Enjoy your day, sounds like it's going to be fun. :)

    1. Buffy was my first Joss love. I need to have me a Buffy marathon. Again.

  2. Hey we want a full report of your fun lol. Hope you enjoyed it!

    1. I enjoyed it a great deal! And yes, I'll tell you all about it :)
