
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Yay March

I love March. It's my favorite month. Everyone tells me that's because my birthday is this month, and maybe that's true, but it's my power month nonetheless. I hate February and I hate October but March?  Yeah. Love. It. 

Despite it not starting out so great this year, I'm determined to own it and make it good on the whole. And to that end, I have some goals:

First: find a project that doesn't suck to use up that yarn. Maybe I'll go back to the mitered squares. But at at any rate, find a project and complete said project before the month is out. 

Second: I wrote a short story a bit ago. And I happen to know of some place I can send it. So...I'm going to do a bit of polishing and then, before the month is out, get the courage to send it on. I hope. I did say that one of my goals for the year was to try and publish so...

Third: I'm going take a step outside my comfort zone. I'm thinking that I'll see what classes are going on at my LYS and, at the very least, sign up to go to one. It's always fun to learn a new technique and bring in a group setting with strangers will definitely push my boundaries in a good way. 

So anyway, those are my goals for this month. 


  1. Good luck with your March projects, especially the second one! :)

    1. Heh. Thanks! That second one is the scariest I think. I'm already all over the place about it. Thanks for the luck...I'm gonna need it!

  2. Amazing that you have goals. I go from having no goals to so many I can't prioritize. Good on you Kris!

    1. Yeaaahh...I probably shouldn't have "said" them out loud. Seems like every time I do that, my plans go to shit. But I'm gonna do my damnedest not to let that happen! Thanks, Mary!

  3. Yes shout them out! It's like the lottery. You can't win if you don't buy a ticket. You can't reach goals if you don't set them. Just don't set a timer too lol. Besides if people know, they can support you. Believe me, you can talk yourself out of it otherwise.

    1. "don't set a timer too" God, I really like that Mary!

  4. I approve of these goals. I'll help in anyway I can. Especially being a beta reader!

    1. Heh. Yeah. You like that beta reading, don't you? You're exquisitely good at it too, my dear!
