
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Your Opinion Matters

OK, here's the thing...

There's been this thought bouncing around in my head for a while and so, I'm throwing it out to you.  I talk about writing a lot but other than the guest post over at Joyfully Jay and a little story that Matty posted in the comments one day over at 2 Boys, I've never really shown it so...

What do you think about me posting up a serial story here?  It'll be like the ones that I've sent the BFF in the past.  I won't know exactly where it's going as I write it, we'll see what develops.  The idea that I have in my head starts with a premise you might find familiar (snicker) and takes a supernatural turn.  And there will be some M/M love.

Yea or nay?


  1. Yes, please!!

    I nearly asked you before, but then thought you might not want to since you weren't already doing it. :)

    1. It's a scary thing. But it's also something I want to do. And I didn't want to put it up and then people be like "ick why is this here"

  2. For sure! You can practice on us lol! And this is your home. You can put up whatever you want.

    1. I guess it is my home. I never thought of it like that before. You don't mind being my guinea pigs, huh?

  3. Better not name any of your characters Braxton, though! LOL

  4. I don't think Ivan would ever forgive me if I did!
