
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Story

All right, here's how it's going to work..

One day a week (I'm thinking Mondays right this moment) at seven a.m. (that's noon for you, Alder! ☺) I'll schedule a post to go up.  Each week will have the next installment of the story.  I'm warning you now; I like ending things with cliff hangers.  Some parts may be NSFW.  Probably all of them actually.  I'll put in a jump break so they don't take up the whole screen unless you click it...and if you're not in a place that it's safe to read, then don't click it, yeah?  Because they will probably be longish.  Each post will have a special label that I will use on every post so if you miss one, you won't have to go hunting.  Just click the little label on the side bar. I'll try to edit them as best I can, but of course, I'm not a professional editor.  While I'll strive not to have typos and the like, punctuation or sentence structure won't be perfect. 

I'm very nervous and very excited about it.  I hope y'all like it. If you don't, maybe you can be real nice about it and just tell me it's not your cup of tea, hmm?  No, I'm open to constructive criticism.  Just be kind.  And maybe use the Contact Me tab at the top.

As it looks now, our tale will begin Monday March 18th. 


  1. Sounds good Kris. I'm here to cheer.

    1. I'm gonna need the cheering, you see. My palms are already sweating!

  2. Good idea to label them to keep them all together. Nice to have something to look forward to on a Monday! :)

    1. I was thinking it'd be easier for all of us if we could just click the one thing and there they'd be. And that's why I chose Mondays! Mondays are blah, why not have a little something something to get us through, yeah?
