
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


OK.  So, the BFF and I went to our favorite diner for our favorite breakfasts.  I couldn't finish all my home fries, but that's nothing new.  It was nice and quite in there so we got our food pretty fast and stared off into space while we ate.  We do that.  We can have comfortable silences while our individual minds wander...and then randomly say something out loud when we think of something to share.  We left the place a little overly stuffed and headed over to the mall and the theater.

On the way there, I realized that we had talked about stopping at Barnes and Noble.  We had time to kill before the movie so I quick swung over into the right lane and pulled in.  We didn't shop for long, we both knew what we wanted.  I got the latest book in the Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs.  It's something that I've been reading since pretty much the beginning.  I adore the series and this latest one was no disappointment, though I was a little wary after having read the blurb.  I should have known she would have handled it in a way of which I would approve.  

We got to the the theater, bought our tickets, then wandered the mall for a bit because we still had time to kill.  The movie was...well, it was predictable.  And also a little cheesy.  The effects were very impressive but the story line was nothing that you couldn't figure out.  I don't regret seeing it but I probably wouldn't watch it again.

After that, I dropped the BFF at her car and spent the rest of the afternoon and evening reading the book.  

All in all, it was a very good, relaxing day and I enjoyed it immensely.  I kind of needed it.  And now there are only four days left to the week!


  1. Sounds like the perfect day! BFF, movie, book and a meal you didn't cook!

    1. It was pretty damn awesome. Of course, I wish *all* my days were like that...

  2. Good to hear you enjoyed the new Patricia Briggs. She is a great writer but I have been dithering between buying it and requesting it through the library because I found 'River Marked' disappointing. I like the Alpha and Omega books as well.

    1. I was a little disappointed in River Marked too. Frost Burned was definitely better. That's not to say there weren't a couple of things I had a quibble with. But overall, better and worth it. Plus, there was Ben and I adore him. Ben and Warren are two of my favorite characters
