
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Awesome Day!

Had a truly spectacular day yesterday.  The kind of day where a lot of good things happen and you sort of can't believe that everything is going your way.

And I capped the day off by going yarn shopping!!

I almost thought I was going to get yarn-blocked.  When I went to the first store, the one I was sure would have the yarn I needed, they did not have it.  I was a bit dumbfounded.  I sort of stared at the section for a long moment, my gaze roving over the selection, certain I must have missed the right color.  But nope.  Eight other colors, but not the one I needed.  And I'm not going to lie--for a moment there I was ready to grab four skeins of a different color and just start over.  But I was smart, and went to another nearby craft store first.  Thank goodness I did because they had the yarn in the color I needed.  It was the perfect end to a perfect day!

I'm not quite finished yet, because I got tired and needed sleep.  But I'll finish it later today!  


  1. Perfect Day - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2JXy1Z9ovs

    The BBC made this a surprising number of years ago. I remember loving it then and I thought of it when I read your post. :) I hope it plays where you are.

    1. Wow! That vid was awesome! What an interesting mix of artists. Thanks for sharing!
