
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

The Smell Of Yarn

I love the way yarn smells.  Love. It.

I love walking down the yarn aisle in the craft store and just inhaling.  I love when I open a new box or package when I order yarn online and it just permeates the air.  It smells so...I don't even know if I can describe it.  It smells like fresh and warm at the same time.  When I got the box containing the yarn for Sis's afghan, even though I already had a skein still left over from what I bought in the store that time, I opened it anyway, just to scent the yarn.  I mean, I wanted to check my order and make sure it was right and all, but really, I just wanted to smell it.

Does that make me weird?


  1. I feel like this about new books, and stationery. And magazines!

    1. Oh, yes on the new books! Love that smell. Also love the smell of ink. I guess that goes hand in hand!

    2. That was my first thought too, Helena! That new book smell, mmmn. To go into a book shop and just breathe in - pure pleasure. So sad that book shops are getting rarer. I love the smell of tar, too. :o)

    3. Oh, and freshly mown grass! This of it now, sitting outside with a new book and the fresh cut grass smell...

    4. You can put some of these smells into Soul Bond, Kris! Go on, do! :o)

  2. Already working on it, dear. Well, not Soul bond but the next one. The thoughts I have...yeah :)

  3. You could replace "yarn" with "book" and your post would still work lol! So no, you're not weird.

    1. *grin* Thank you. I'm glad I'm not too weird. It's funny how smells affect us, isn't it? And how we all seem to have smells that we just love. Books seem to be popular, which makes me incredibly happy!
