
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Sunday, June 30, 2013


I actually have to be sociable today.

There's family coming in and even though I adore them it's gonna be loud and crazy and just...I'm not used to it and it makes me a little nuts.  I'm told, though, I can sit on the couch and knit and as long as I'm a part of the crazy, even if it's on the periphery, then I'll be forgiven.  So Sis's blanket will act as a shield and maybe I'll actually get a bunch of it done!  See?  There's a silver lining.

On the downside?  I'll have to spend this morning picking up and vacuuming and then the afternoon/evening knitting and pretending to be sociable and I haven't written Jared and Liam's next episode yet.  Now, I don't know if I'll get it done in time for tomorrow.  And I feel absolutely horridly wretched about that.  Because I haven't missed a Monday since this whole thing started a little more than three ago (the break between stories not withstanding) and I should have planned better, of course.  But the family was a sneak attack visiting, we weren't expecting them to drop by.  

That does not mean that there won't be an episode this week!  If I don't get an opportunity to write it today then I'll write it tomorrow and you can tune in Tuesday for a 24 hour delayed ep.  I promise.  


  1. You might pick up some plot bunnies while listening to family stories & chat!

    And we'll wait for the next episode of Soul Bond, no worries. :)

  2. Aw man, I hadn't even thought of that and I DO NOT need any more plot bunnies, right? Heh. Well, we'll see what happens! They have traveled 'cross country on their way here, making stops to see landmarks...

    And thanks, I appreciate that. I hate to make you wait, but I'm not gonna lie and say I'm not grateful that you will.
