
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


I've got myself into a bit of trouble.  Actually, I've got two bits of trouble.

The first?  Well, I haven't worked much on Sis's blanket.  At all.  I've still got six skeins to go.  I can't seem to make myself work on it.  I really need to.  But there always seems to be something else I'd rather be doing.  And the trouble is...well, in a couple of weeks, I'll be getting my exciting Scottish yarn and I'm so gonna want to play with that instead.  And If I don't get Sis's blanket done, I can't.  Well, I'd even be satisfied if I made a bunch of progress because then I could justify taking some time out to play with new yarn.  So, I really need to crack the whip and get working.  Or else I'm going to be in a world of hurt.  Either because I'll be denying myself the new pretty and it'll be like a physical ache not getting to create with it.  Or because I'll give in and I'll play with the new yarn and Sis will punch me in my face.  I don't want to get punched in the face.  I'm not particularly vain or anything, but I like my visage unmarked.  Plus, I think that would really hurt and...sorry, I sort of drifted there.

The other spot of trouble?  Well...I don't know what I'm going to do with Jared.  The way I thought it was going doesn't seem like it's going to go that way and I have no idea how I'm going to accomplish what I was thinking was going to happen.  Yes, in case you were wondering, I can vague that up some more.  *g*.  Anyway, I know the salient details of what's going to happen in the next couple of episodes so I can write those...except, I have to figure out this missing piece or else I think it's all going to fall apart.  Welcome to the inner workings of an author's mind.  Don't fret.  I will figure it out.  I always do.  It's just that, right here and now, I've hit the wall (I don't say the words writer's block out loud) and it's giving me fits.  I've got the scaffolding materials...I just have to figure out how they fit together so I can build it nice and solid so it will support me as I climb over the wall.  Oh, how's that for some purple prose?  Eh, I thought it was a pretty good analogy.  But purple prose is excellent alliteration, isn't it?  I like alliteration.  I think it's a splendid use of words.  It makes me happy when...

...wait.  I'm totally getting off topic.  Okay!

So, yeah, bit of trouble I'm in.  And I'm a bit wary of making any real plans, as you may well know, but I think having a goal as far as the yarn goes is not really a plan, per se.  Especially if I'm smart about it and don't put too tight a deadline on it.  And the good thing is when I'm lost in the kind of monotony (and believe me when I say that this blanket is the very definition of monotonous), my brain tends to wander and when my brain wanders, it usually heads right into story territory.  So maybe, if I'm lucky and the muses cooperate with me and each other, I'll be able to kill two birds with one stone.  Which is a horrible idiom when you think about it.  Avian murder is not nice!  Would that be called avicide?  I'm totally making up words now. 

So far off topic again.

Yes, I'm in trouble.  I'm going to have to get myself out of it.  I just have to be smart about it.

When I was three, I asked my mother if I was smart enough to go to Yale (do not ask me how I even knew Yale existed, because I don't know).  She answered, very seriously, that if I was smart enough to ask that question, I was smart enough to go to Yale.

I did not go to Yale.  

Yeah, I'm in trouble all right.  


  1. Yes, best to focus on the fact that knitting the boring blanket will hopefully encourage the muses to visit. Jared is depending on you for his happy ending! :)

    1. *g* He is depending on me, isn't he? Hopefully, the muse will send me a vision whilst yarning!
