
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Ticking Clock

So last night, I made dinner, right?  

Wait, let me back up.

Yesterday afternoon I'm sitting there trying to think of what I should make for dinner, right?  We always end up eating the same things over and over again so I was trying to think of something different.  I started googling dinner-like things but everything I came across made me go blech.  Bit of info here: I'm not particularly adventurous in my food tastes.  I know what I like, I'll eat what I like, and I don't stray very far.  But I wanted something different, right?  So I think, "I like casseroles, I like cooking casseroles, let's see if I can find a casserole."  Back to Google and then I find a fuckton of casseroles.  But like 90% of them are chicken, which I don't care a lot for, and we ate chicken the night before so I dismiss those.  And the other 9.9%?  Stuff I won't eat.  But then!  Then I find a bacon potato cheesy casserole thing  and I'm like, ding ding ding!  We have a winner!  So I stop at the store on the way home from work, get the stuff, and come home.  A bit of prep work and I pop it in the oven.  

Whilst it's baking, I pull out Sis's blanket and I start working on it.  But the timer is going, right?  So I know when I have to take the casserole out.  And it's just ticking away.  And, well, I couldn't help myself.  I glanced at the clock at the beginning of a row.  I peek again at the end of the row.  Roughly eight minutes.  So, then, next row, I'm constantly glancing at the clock as I'm working.  Pretty much eight minutes again.  Well, after that?  I'm all, obsessively glancing at the clocking thinking "Okay, I've got six more minutes to finish this row, I've got three and half minutes to finish this row, fuck! only forty seconds!  Move! Move! Move! Gotta finish this row!"

So even though I was totally stressing myself out, I was also having a great deal of fun.  Because every time I finished a row within that 8 minute time limit I was seriously satisfied with myself.  And then I got to do it all over again.  I only got, like, six rows done because the casserole only had to cook for an hour and I needed to set the table and stuff.  But, really, I was amusing myself something fierce.

Alas, because I was obsessively timing myself, my brain was occupied and didn't wander into story territory.  But that's okay.  There's always today, right?

And, if you were wondering, dinner was pretty damn tasty!     


  1. You brought back memories with this! When I was a young child there was a programme on TV called 'Sunday Night at the London Palladium" - a variety show. It had a section in it called "Beat the Clock" where people from the audience had to race against the clock to complete tasks and win prizes. I got a 'Beat the Clock' clock that Christmas! It was yellow plastic with red hands, and we kids used to do all sorts of races & things against the clock. :0)

    1. There was a game show here called the same thing. They kept bringing it back in different incarnations every couple of decades. I think its part of human nature to want to "win" against the clock, I really do. I know it works for me! Besides, you obviously had fun doing it as a child...now reason we all can't! :P
