
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Thursday Again

This week, I've been having to go to work an hour earlier than normal.  I get out an hour earlier too, which is nice.  But that hour earlier in?  I've gotten used to putzing around before work, surfing the web, checking in on blogs, and drinking coffee before I go to work.  So, I'm having to get up earlier, even though I would make it in time if I didn't, because I still want to have my coffee and blog surfing.

I'm tired.  That hour less of sleep is catching up.

But it's Thursday and I'm looking forward to the weekend already.  I'll work on Sis's blanket some, because I promised, and laze around as much as possible.  That'll be good.  I'll probably work on Soul Bond too, because the boys are still talking to me.  I really love that.

Next week, I have Tuesday off (thought I was going to have to babysit but now I don't) so it's something to look forward to as well.  Sis think I can work on her blanket then, too.  We'll see.

At any rate, I'm not making any real plans.  I think maybe I've learned my lesson.


  1. How are you getting on with the blanket? Did you get a lot done last weekend? Nice that you have a shorter week, next week. And if you're working on the blanket this weekend as well you should take Tuesday as a day to do whatever you want! And if your says anything about it you should just say "ORANGES" to her! LOL

    1. HA! Awesome. I didn't get very far on the blanket, honestly. I only got one more skein on it...seven more to go! I think it took me about four hours or so, to get that one skein on and I thought I could do it every night and be done in seven days but...yeah, haven't worked on it. It's boring! lol. I made something else this past weekend that only took me a few hours and when I showed it off, without missing a beat, she says "That's not my blanket." I swear, if I didn't love her so much, I'd hate her. :)

  2. Once you get it done, she'd better have it on her bed no matter how hot it is! :o) Of course, to be fair, she did have to wait rather a long time for last year's gift. LOL

    1. You do make a fair point there...11 months and 3 days is a long time to wait for her present. I'm getting better though! This time she'll only have to wait six months!

  3. Next year you'll have to make her something small - like the daisy wreath. :)
