
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Naughty Boys

I have no problem when my characters talk to me at work.  I can usually give them a bit of my attention and still get my work completed.  But when the boys are being naughty...well, that's a little awkward.

I don't remember how much I've talked about this before but I actually see scenes in my head of my characters.  A lot of authors do, I know.  But while most people can picture what is going on while reading or writing the words, it sort of works opposite for me.  I see the scene fully in my head and then try to get them on the page.  

My muse likes to blind side me.  Sometimes, while I'm writing, my fingers type something that I hadn't originally thought of and it makes me pause for a moment to decide whether it's right or not.  Most of the time, it is.  But she also likes to blind side me with scenes.  Out of nowhere, and with seemingly no provocation, I'll see whatever it is that my boys are doing or saying at the moment.

So imagine you're sitting at your desk, minding your own and working away, and then suddenly, bam! there are naughty boys having sex in your brain.

I said before that Liam and Jared are a lot naughtier than Kelly and Jason were.  And I know a lot of what I see won't end up in the finished tale simply because a lot of sex, just for sex's sake, is not something I'm a fan of.  Okay, if I'm reading something that's just erotica, then yes, it's about the sex.  But when there's a bigger story going on, two men falling in love amidst whatever other crazy is going on in their lives, then sex, for the most part, needs to be a part of the story in that it helps the characters grow or develops the plot.  Know what I'm saying?

Of course, that's not to say a little gratuitous sex isn't welcome.  Just not so much that it overwhelms the story.

Okay, anyway, work yesterday was interesting on account of the mini porno running in my head.  Fortunately, that wasn't all there was going on in there.  Liam told me some important things that had nothing to do with the way he feels about Jared's body. So that was good.

Oh, and I got my work done, too.  

Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Blocking Debacle

I promised to share the blocking escapade once I knew the items had been received so, here's the tale:

First, I had to go get some fiber wash.  Except for some reason, the craft stores I went to didn't have it.  I would have thought that they would.  But basically, it's designed to wash yarny type things so that they don't get damaged.  In the end, I ended up just buying regular delicate wash detergent. And carefully washing it in the bathroom sink.  A little bit of suds, some gentle swish, swish, swish and there we go.  Then I rinsed it and rolled it in a towel and then stood on it to get the excess water squeezed out.  Yes, I stood on it.  For anyone who's interested, this is a very effective way of getting rid of excess water.

This is what it looked like, unblocked.  I used the carpet to kind of hold it flat but really it was very much curled in on itself.  And the one end was all wonky.  And you can't really see the lace pattern.  So hence, that's why the blocking was required.  The process began as I stated above.  And then I had to pin it out.  So I got some cardboard boxes that I had already broken down flat and laid them on the bed with a towel over it.  And then I set about stretching the piece out to the shape it was supposed to be and pinning it down with...well, there are probably about fifty or so pins.  See?

You can, of course, click on the pictures to make them bigger.  But yeah, there are a lot of pins in it.  And I did it on the bed because I didn't want to have to sit on the floor and not reach what I needed to reach, but I had done it at about seven o'clock at night so I had to get it off the bed and onto the floor.  Now, the flat cardboard boxes were not connected in any way, so there was much careful maneuvering in order to get it off the bed and onto the floor.  But I managed it, in the end, and there it stayed.  I left it there, pinned down, longer than I probably needed too, but after all that work, I wasn't taking any chances. 

 Anyway, now it hangs all nice nice flat and you can see the lacy pattern well.  And that was the goal all along.  And truthfully?  I don't hate blocking so much anymore.  Except not having the room for scarves.  So those, I might just have to keep making in patterns that don't need it.

Oh yeah!  And I made a pair of gauntlet style fingerless mitts and a plot bunny!

He's so hungry!

One of my favorite cables

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

It's Shipped!

It's official folks!  Sis's yarn has shipped.  It's scheduled to be delivered on Friday.  Which means I know how I'll be spending my weekend.  And the foreseeable future.  The good news about that is when I finally have it done, it'll be like getting a monkey off my back. The bad news is that I already don't want to do it.  But alas, I must.  

That means I basically have two days to accomplish two very important things.  First, I have to write the next episode of Soul Bond.  Fortunately, I already have notes and all I have to do is get the words on the page.  But that's got to be done before the weekend so I can schedule it go up.  We'll see if the muse cooperates tonight, yeah?

The other thing I have to do is get any other lingering projects out of the way.  There is one more thing I very much want to finish, so I'm going to try hard to get that done.  We'll see how it goes.  

And I need to find something to watch while I yarn.  I'm thinking a marathon might be in order; marathon of shows for a marathon of writing.  Now I just have to decide what it will be.  Maybe Buffy?  It's been a long while since I've watched every ep from all seven seasons...

But it could be Angel or Roswell or Queer as Folk or even Harry Potter.

Anyone have any suggestions?  

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

What's Going On...

Sis called me into her room the other day to show me that she had to use two blankets to cover up.  One was the Denver Avalanche (she's a hockey fan and that's her team) fleece blanket I got her for Christmas like five years ago.  The other was last year's birthday afghan that I finished 11 months late on New Year's Eve.  But it's okay, she told me.  Because when she gets her new ginormous blanket, she'll be able to cuddle in that.  I walked out of the room.

My computer is being very well behaved!  I don't know why it did what it did and I'm still keeping an eye on it, but now that it's back, I'm realizing how very much I missed it even when I was happy to be yarning like a fiend.  I have a sneaking suspicion I'll be scheduling computer time and yarn time in the future.  I have much to accomplish on both fronts.

I started Soul Bond and the boys are still talking to me, which makes me happy.  Liam and Jared are turning out much naughtier than Jason and Kelly were.  Except I'm sort of missing the middle.  I know what happens immediately next.  I know the naughty bits.  I know the end.  I'm missing something in the middle.  They'll hopefully tell me before too long.

I planted the front garden on Sunday.  Always a pain but I love it when it's done.  The little kids from next door came over to see and the older girl told me where I should put some flowers.  I planted them there because I didn't have the heart to say no even though it messed up my symmetry a bit and my color scheme.  Not like anyone notices that except me.  And I got some weed preventer/plant food stuff and put that down too.  And mulch.  I'm hoping that the weeding will be at a minimum this year.  I'll probably put up a pic of it later this summer when the flowers have plumped up and the leaves have spread out a bit.  Right now, it's looking a little thin. 

So...that's what going on with me. What's going on with you?

Monday, May 27, 2013

Soul Bond: Part 1

Surprise!  Here's the first episode of Soul Bond.

Now, if you haven't read Spell Break, the first story in the series, you can technically read this as a stand alone.  But you probably don't want to as it takes place in the same world and is a continuation of the larger plot.  This story, as I see it now though, does appear to be its own thing and I don't think there will be anything that isn't explained on its own.  The good news is that Spell Break has it's very own tab at the top, is a complete story, and you can read it from beginning to end if you have an hour or two free.  And then you won't have to miss anything.

I'm doing the label thing again.  See?  It's got it's own label there at the bottom and in the side bar on the right.

I got the nerves.  But I hope you enjoy!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Tante Kris

Somewhere about the 3rd of December, Brub is going to be a daddy.  And that means I'm going to finally get to be Tante Kris.  Tante, for those who aren't in the know, is German for aunt

I gotta tell you, I'm thrilled about the baby.  But, I'll also be honest and say I'm not that excited about the timing.  Brub is definitely old enough to be a daddy, he's older than I am, that's not it.  But he left his job at the urging of his boss to go to law school.  He's doing extraordinarily well, he's super smart and that kind of stuff just makes sense to him.  But he's still got one more year to go.  And the baby, of course, is due right around finals time.  So all of that has me worried.

But baby!

We're mostly convinced it's going to be a girl even though we don't know for sure yet. We just all feel like it's going to be a she.  We've even mostly refer to the baby as she or her.  Not that it matters if we find out it's a boy, of course.

And the best part?  My waiting time gets to be taken up by making baby things!  Yay!  The best part about yarning up the baby items is that they are small so they don't take as long.  I've already got some ideas, thanks to my inspiration a while back about using up the left over baby yarn.  And since it's winter when baby is due, that means hats and sweaters will get a lot of use.  

What I'm really thinking is that my first niece (or nephew) needs a matching layette. Well, at least a hat and sweater.  And a blanket.  Oh and maybe one of those sleepers that has a drawstring at the bottom...

Yeah, I'm going to need to find patterns.

After I finish Sis's afghan, of course.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Awesome Sis

Remember how the yarn for Sis's afghan was sort of languishing in the void of cyberspace and It wasn't doing anything and I didn't think I would ever get it even though I ordered it almost six months ago?  Sis called the place and the lady looked into it and figured out that even though it was out of stock, it didn't get marked out of stock and then marked back into stock so my order never got tagged as not completed and needing completion so it was just languishing in pending status.  So after a little bit of customer service magic it somehow became cheaper, even cheaper the second time Sis called with my card because they couldn't pull up the old card (which was just as well, as that one isn't active anymore because I got the new card and activated that) and it's officially on it's way.  

Oh and I got free shipping for my inconvenience.

All in all, a pretty good resolution.  Of course, because Sis was so awesome in taking care of that problem for me (even though she agreed because she's becoming impatient for her afghan) I promised her I would drop everything once it arrived and knit until I hurt and finish her damn present.

Now, it's not anything complicated.  It's big, fat, chunky yarn knit garter stitch on big, fat, honking size 15 needles.  It doesn't require much brain power.  But, you may remember, that it's fucking 8 feet long!  And now I have way too much yarn because I bought three skeins when I was out one day.  But Sis says this is no problem.  Just keep knitting until I run out.  I told her it's going to be one ginormous blanket.

The grin she gave me in response to that can only be called evil.

But I will.  I'll knit until I have enough yarn to bind off and the finish the damn thing, throw it in the washer and dryer.  And then probably throw it in her face.

I remember when I started this, nearly six long months ago, and I was so excited that I found this yarn and that I found the color that was so perfect for her and I was going to get it done in time for her birthday.  But then I had too many stitches and the yarn didn't arrive and things kept going wrong.  At this point, I'm not excited about it anymore.  But I'm sure as shit going to get that fucker done just so I can be rid of the headache it is. 

And also, she's really, really going to love it a lot.  

So, in the next week, I need to quick finish up anything that's lingering so that when the yarn arrives, I can get my knit on and get it done.  I want it done nearly as bad as she does...for completely different reasons.  But still, I'll get it done as fast as I can.  

I'm already trying to think of ways I can take a picture of it that will show you the enormity of it.    

Friday, May 24, 2013

Sort of Hiatus

Don't get nervous!  I'm not putting the blog on hiatus.  I'm talking about something else entirely. 

I've had a sort of home computer hiatus for the last week or so.  I haven't even turned on my computer.  Part of that was because it was being weird.  But part of that was because I wanted to spend copious amounts of time with the yarn.  I've written my posts on my phone or on the desktop downstairs or at work before I've left for the day and scheduled them to go up the next morning (shh, don't tell).  I've done my blog surfing and email getting on my phone.  But even that has been a minimum.  

It's been kind of nice.

I've made a lot of stuffs, a great deal of which I haven't shared with you yet (don't worry, I will), and I've been loving it.  I've gotten into funks in the past where I don't make anything for months at a time.  But since about my birthday, I've been yarning a lot.  And I don't see that ending yet.  Because the yarn muse is still talking to me. 

But it's a long weekend for us this weekend, as Monday is Memorial Day, and I'm thinking that I will break the self imposed computer hiatus and see if I can't get some words on the page.  I'm not sure if my computer will behave (I hope it will! It seemed to cooperate last night) but if it does and if the muse cooperates, I'll post up the first episode of Soul Bond on Monday.  And if it doesn't...well, I promise that the following Monday, June 3rd, will have an episode come hell or high water.

And maybe sometime next week I'll be able to share all the things I've made with you.   

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Concentration Face

When I'm focusing really hard, I get concentration face.  For me, that means the muscles around my mouth and nose get really tight and I'm sort of frowny.  It's not that I'm actually frowning though, just that I'm concentrating really hard.  I don't even realize I'm doing it until a bunch of time has passed and my face muscles get tired. Then I try to relax my face, but of course, within seconds, I'm doing it again.  It happens a lot when I'm yarning and I have to pay attention to the pattern.  I also do it when I'm writing, but then, I've usually added a head cock (heh) so I'm sort of looking at the screen sideways.  I'm not entirely sure what that's about.

For Mom and Brub, the tongue pokes out of the corner of their mouths when they are focused.  Sis and Tato do the frowny thing like me.

How about you?  Do you have a concentration face? 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Girl Curse

This is what the BFF and I call that thing that happens when you get an idea of something in your head, that sweater you want, or that pair of pants, or that dress, and you go looking for it and you can not find it anywhere (though I'm certain it doesn't happen just to girls).  It's the curse in effect because if you didn't have the preconceived notion in your head, you would find something fabulous but because you already have the idea fixed firmly, you can't find anything at all.

This happens to me with patterns, too.

I get an idea in my head and I just know that it's going to be awesome.  But when I try it in practicality, it doesn't look like it did in my head and it looks awful.  And I get really mad at it because that's not how it's supposed to look!  

I started knitting this thing the other night and I had it all planned out in my head but it didn't work like I thought.  One of the reasons for that was because when I got to the second row, I decided to change it up a little.  So, I got four rows done and I was like "bah, this doesn't look like how I thought it would." So there was much staring and contemplating and I got out some extra yarn and tried some things but that wasn't working out either and after that and a dinner break, I pick it up again.  And decide to just keep going for a few more rows and see what happens and telling myself that if I have to frog the whole thing it wouldn't be the first time and it certainly won't be the last.  But something amazing happened.

The pattern is different than I had originally intended but it actually looks better than what I envisioned.

So even though the girl curse happened, for once it actually worked out for the good.

Of course, since I basically made it up as I went along for the first few rows, I now have to "read" my knitting to know which row I'm supposed to do.  I've gotten better at that over the last few months but what makes me nervous is that If I do the wrong row, the whole pattern will get messed up.  So every time I start the new row, I'm like quadruple checking it's the right one.  It's a bit stressful but I think that the final result will be worth it.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Perils of Yarning

I've known for a while that I've been working on a case of carpal tunnel syndrome in my right wrist. I'm right handed and I'm on a computer all day at work, I write a lot if my notes long hand, and I crochet and knit.  My wrist gets a lot of work. 

I've made a lot of things lately and I've loved every second of it. But as a result, my wrist is very achy, I've had the tingles at times, and a bit of numbness. For about 2.5 seconds, I considered giving my wrist a break. But I dismissed that immediately. I can't not craft. I can't not write. 

So, I'm pretending it isn't giving me issues. If I ignore it, if I power through, it'll go away. 


Monday, May 20, 2013

Some Advice for the Beginner

**Special Programming Note--My laptop is being...weird.  I'm not sure yet if it's an actual problem that needs to be fixed or if it's just being strange right now and will stop it.  That being said, writing Soul Bond is not happening at the moment.  I have all the notes and ideas, but nothing written up.  I will hopefully have the laptop conundrum solved within the week.  But until I do, don't expect to see any story.  I apologize in advance.**  

Over the years, I've gleaned a lot of bits of information about the yarning arts; some through trial and error and some through the webz or TV shows.  With the interest from a couple of people who maybe want to possibly learn how to knit and/or crochet, as well as the ladies who've recently asked for my help, it got me to thinking about the tips I would give someone who was just starting out and had no idea what they were doing. I came up with a couple that, in my experience, are essential so I thought I'd plop 'em here.

--The first kind of yarn you should buy is worsted (medium) weight in an acrylic blend.  There are two very good reasons for this: they are usually on the cheaper end of things and you don't want to spend a ridiculous amount of money on something if you end up not liking it because then you've got a skein of yarn hanging around that is just a waste.  But also, and maybe more importantly, the acrylic or acrylic blend yarn withstands the process of ripping out mistakes very well and can be used again, which is also not a waste.  Some of the more delicate and fabulous kinds of yarn end up getting all gross if you have to rip it back more than once and then...waste.  See where I'm going with this?  So yeah, acrylic or acrylic blend is the way to go in the beginning.  And sometimes even later because really, all yarns have their place and there's no reason to get snobby about high end, expensive, natural fiber yarns...oh wait, that's a different soap box.  *clears throat*

--The worsted weight is important because it's well...middle of the road thickness.  This allows for middle of the road sized needles or hooks and I've found that that's the size that's easiest to work with.  Too small and it's really hard to learn and see.  Too big has it's own set of problems, namely that it gets kind of unwieldy and that gets consternating and frustrating if you don't know what your doing.  So!  To sum up, medium weight yarn and then a hook that's siz H or I (maybe even J) or needles that are sized 8 or 9 or 10.   (You may find people that say differently but I just don't happen to agree with them on this particular topic)

--One more tip about yarn--when learning or practicing a new stitch pattern?  Use light colored yarn!  There's a very practical reason for this; in the lighter colors, you can actually see the stitches!  No, really.  That dark royal blue yarn might look heavenly and you may want to use it for a project, but when you're just starting out or practicing a pattern you're unfamiliar with and want to see how it looks?  You want to actually see what's going on and dark yarn sometimes hides stitches.  Trust me, light colors okay?

--For the knitters--buy circular needles.  They are easier to handle then some of the straight needles and they can do everything you need.  You can knit back and forth or in the round with the circ's.  If you don't have copious amounts of money to spend on needles so that you have a size 8 needles in the 9" size, the 12" size, dpns (double pointed needles) and circular...just go for the circular.  Because it can do what all of those others can do.  And the longer the cable between the needles on a circular, the better.  If you don't know why, google magic loop method for knitting in the round.  But anyway, that's the most versatile kind of needle, so that's what I suggest.  I use them for almost everything almost all the time.

--For the crocheters--invest in an ergonomic handle for your hooks.  Now, there are sets out there that have interchangable heads to go with the ergonomic handles, but they can be a bit pricey.  I have one and I don't use it all that much.  Because what feels more comfortable is a much cheaper version that works with the set of hooks you already have.  It's important to get one because it keeps your hand from cramping when holding the hooks, but even more importantly, it keeps the carpal tunnel at bay because your hand is in a more natural position.  Get one, use it...you don't want to have to give up the yarn because the numbness and tingles mean you can't hold a hook anymore, do you?

Ok, so all that rambling later, those are some of the essential things I would tell a beginning yarner.  Some important things to know before you begin the adventure.  You may find, as you get into it, that you don't agree with me, and that's perfectly okay.  These things are just things that I've learned as I've gone on my yarning journey.  

Sunday, May 19, 2013

A Bit Of Me

I went back and forth for a long time about whether I wanted to put this up, but in the end, I decieded to do it.

First, I have to say that I had a really fun time at the Race for the Cure yesterday.  It was not surprising that there was something like 6,000 people there.  But what I loved the best was seeing the women in the bright pink survivor shirts.  And most of them were carrying little signs where they wrote in how many years they'd been cancer free.  There were some with small numbers, a year, or three, or four, but there were some that were much longer, seventeen years or twenty two.  One woman I saw had been cancer free for 35 years.  Can you imagine being diagnosed three decades ago when there weren't the medical advancements that there are now?  I can't imagine the terror that a cancer diagnosis would cause then.  But there she was, thrity five years later, still determined to make a difference.

Anyway, our table had such good freebies, we ended up running out.  Fortunately, it was just as the actual walk/run portion of the events were getting underway, and most everyone went to go do that and we packed up and went home.  But first I stopped by another table where my friend, Cindy Sue, was working.  She works for another diagnostic imaging company but they do a lot of different kinds of tests (unlike my office that only does the one kind of testing).  One of our radiologists (who we actually share, he reads for both groups) diagnosed his own wife last year with breast cancer.  They caught it early and they were able to treat her successfully.  But there was a huge push by this doctor to get a huge team together and raise lots of money.  Which they did.  Cindy Sue was working at the table, painting faces.  She's very, incredibly artistic and I am in awe of her talent.  I wanted to share it with you, even though it just a wee bit of artistry, because I can never get stuff to come out like this when I try.  But it's on my face.  So that's why I wasn't sure if I was going to put it up.  But, like I said in the first sentence, I decided to do it anyway.  So, here's Cindy Sue's bit of paint magic...and a bit of me, in profile.  Focus on the paint and not me, okay?

The dark under my eye?  Cause I was up at 5:45 on a Saturday!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Race For The Cure

By the time this goes up, I'll already be at the fair grounds to work the booth at the local Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure

I work for a company that does diagnostic imaging, MRI's to be specific, and one of the services we provide is Breast MRI's.  They allow for better imaging than just a mammogram, if you have dense breast or have had breast cancer or a very strong family history.  So, we have a booth set up at the local Race for the Cure.

A few hours of my day, passing out freebies and answering questions, is not too much to ask for a very worthy cause.  I have had one aunt and two cousins fight this disease and win.  I had another aunt who was in her eighties when the lump was found and lost the battle.

So that's how I'll be spending my morning, giving back a little.

And then, after a nap, more yarn. 

Friday, May 17, 2013

The Chicken Tree, The Perils of Blocking, and What Was In My Tire

Mom grew up on a farm.  A dairy farm to be exact.  She's the eighth child out of eleven, which is totally common for farm families of that era.  They used to have a lilac tree on the farm and the chickens used to roost in the branches.  They told their cousins, who were not farmers, that it was a chicken tree.  Mom loves lilacs and twenty or so years ago, we gave Mom a lilac tree.  It was planted in the backyard and since then, has grown crazy out of control.  But we still call it a chicken tree, because it's amusing, even though we have no chickens to roost in it.  Last week, from the morning until I got home, the lilacs decided it was time to come out.  I left for work and it was a mass of green.  I got home eight hours later and it looked like this:

Pretty amazing when you think about it.  Anyway, the chicken tree is in full bloom and everything smells wonderfully of lilac.  Unfortunately, we can't bring them in the house for the simple fact that Simon (that darn cat) has a penchant for chewing anything green.  I don't know what it is about that sort of stuff, but yeah, he'll chew it.  So the lilacs have to stay outside.

A lot of knitting patterns, when you've finished knitting them up, don't hold the shape that they are supposed to be.  A lot of stitches, when complete, have a tendency to curl up on themselves.  It's an easy enough fix; you just have to block the finished piece.  Except blocking is sort of a pain in the ass and I'm not a big fan of it, so I generally try to find and make patterns that don't require blocking when done.  There are some stitches that don't curl up and using them, even if its just on the border, usually eliminates the need for blocking.  Except the scarf I just finished last night?  Absolutely requires blocking.  And it's a scarf, so it's long and that requires space to block it out.  I don't have that kind of room.  Because you know how to block something?  You get it soaking wet (or steam the crap out of it, which is another method) and then you pin it out flat to the shape and dimensions you want, and then you have to let it dry completely!  Who's got that kind of room?!  Who's got that kind of time?!  Ah well.  It needs to be done.  I'm thinking towels on the floor with straight pins should do the trick.

No pics yet though because it's one of several things going on a trip and I know the recipient checks out the blog and I don't want that person to see it here before they see it in person.  After I know it's been received, then I'll post pics and details of the blocking debacle.

Last Thursday, I pulled out of the driveway and heard a weird whumpa whumpa as I drove.  Now, I'm a car girl and knew something funky was going on with my tire.  When I got out of work, I saw the tire was soft but it was okay to get me home.  Once I pulled in the driveway, I got out my little air compressor and started filling the tire, all pissed off that it was soft when I just had the fucker resealed a few months ago.  And as I'm standing there, fuming, I see the problem.  There's a piece of metal in the tread!  So I get the spare put on and Tuesday morning, I took it to the tire place to have the flat repaired.  The whole time I'm worrying that they won't be able to patch it and I'll have to buy new tires and I'm all cranky because the tread is still really good on my tires and I don't want to have to replace them.  They guy comes walking out, all serious, and internally I gulp because I'm sure that he's going to tell me it can't be fixed.  Instead, he opens his hand and gives me this:

So, yeah.  That's what was in my tire.  Not a small bit of metal, that.  And I'm still thinking that he's gonna tell me I need to buy new ones but thank the dear and fluffy lord, he says they are fixing the tire right then and twenty minutes later I was back on the road.  I've been keeping a close eye on said tire but it's fine.  Maybe a week from now, I'll be able to relax and not be so crazy about the dang tire.  I hope.   

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Beyond Spell Break

So, Spell Break is finished.  Anyone with a practiced eye can tell it's a complete story...with maybe room for a sequel.

The first thing you should know is that I love series and sequels.  I'm pretty sure I've talked about that before.  I may have also said that I always end up thinking in sequels as well.  Even when I start an idea with it being a "single title" in mind, it always ends up being more.  I don't know why I even try anymore.  I should just know, going into an idea, that it will end up having other stories following it. 

I knew pretty early on that Liam would end up getting his own story.  So there's you're first teaser.  Those of you who guessed Liam would be one of the next MC's, you were absolutely right.  I also knew who his love interest would be.  Once that guy popped into my head and started talking, I knew that he was perfect for Liam and that that story would come next.  At that point, I really thought there would be just two stories.

But then Alder happened.

So it turned into a trilogy and then the plot points changed a bit and then I had a larger, overarching meta plot.  Which suddenly made some things in Spell Break make better sense to me (though I'm not sure that they do to the world at large).  As it stands now, it's a trilogy.  But there's a niggling in the back of my brain and so I'm not going to say with anything definitive how many stories there will end up being.  I'll write and post as long as there are boys talking to me. 

I will warn you now, however, that the first episode of our next story isn't likely to go up on Monday.  Unless something changes, there's going to be a wee break.  But I promise, not more than one or two weeks.  Some of the plot points are still coalescing in my brain and I need a little more time with them.  It is settling though, so look for the first episode the week after next or, at the very latest, the week after that.

Here's your second teaser: it's called Soul Bond.    

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Spell Break: Part 13

This is it.  The final installment of our tale.  The story comes to a close right here.

I was going to be a bit evil and not post the epilogue until Friday, because it's almost an entire ep on it's own, but I couldn't do it.  I couldn't do that to you or me.  So it's tacked on to the end.  And I had to have an epilogue because the fact of the matter is, I'm one of those people that needs the bow.   

You can read the whole story, of course, by clicking the label in the side bar.  You know that.  But also, I'll be putting the story, in it's entirety, into it's own tab at the top (edit: it's up!).  That'll go live at some point today, whenever I have a moment to do so.

I'm seriously nervous.  Like, I think I'm going to be anxious all day.  This is what the characters were telling me, this is how they wanted it to end.  But I worry anyway.  I hope it's a satisfactory ending.

And I really hope you enjoyed Jason and Kelly's journey.

If you tune in tomorrow, I'll give you a teaser about our next journey.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mother's Day Recap

So Sis and I opened the Kindle on Saturday night and got it all set up for Mom.  She doesn't like to do those things herself and this way, it was all good to go when she opened it.  All set up, slipped in the sleeve, and in the gift bag, ready to present.

Mom revealed to us girls at breakfast Sunday morning that she checked her email.  We both look at her.  She pauses and then says, "Thank you for the Kindle, I was overjoyed when I saw that."


It's funny now when I think about it.  Mom doesn't check her email that often and even if she did, it never occurred to Sis and me that the apps we put on would show up in the email...which it totally should have as we both have the Kindle app on our respective devices and get the confirmation emails all the time.  All I could think was thank goodness we didn't do it weeks ago like we wanted to when the Kindle first arrived!  At least Mom found out on the actual day she was getting it.

She appreciated the cable on the sleeve but she was much too taken with playing games and trying to think of books to buy to care much about it.  I sort of knew that would happen.  And then Brub decided that the buttons on it looked like eyes and he was making it talk and entertaining us.  Tato decided he wanted a puppet.  I said I wouldn't make him one.  Brub suggested that he ask for a pocket.  So Tato looked at me and said, very seriously, "I'd like a pocket/mitten combo.  Not a puppet at all."  My brothers make me laugh.

I cooked steak and corn on the cob and mashed potatoes for dinner.  It was really tasty.

Mum's pretty obsessed with the Kindle at the moment.  She's also very adorable about tucking it back in it's yarn home when she's done with it.  I'm very happy she likes the sleeve, even if it's second to what goes inside, and is conscious about putting it back away and all tucked in.  At least its a pretty way of keeping it from getting scratched. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Spell Break: Part 12

The penultimate episode folks!  The second to last one!

I'm pretty nervous about this one, so be kind.

If you haven't been following along...well, you might as well just wait till Wednesday and read the whole thing.


Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

Happy day to all who are mothers. It's not an easy job and you are appreciated!

Me?  I'm only a sometimes mom to other people's kids and even that short time is rewarding and trying. I can only imagine the challenges and joys of full time momming.

We're celebrating the day this evening with dinner and then the big reveal of the kindle, in the sleeve. I'm certain she has no idea that's coming. So I'm pretty excited.

Have a wonderful day!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

More Yarn

For the first time in my life, I went to a yarn store, spent three and half bucks and only came home with one skein of yarn.

"More yarn?!" you admonish, shaking your head in disbelief.

Well, yes, but hear me out.  Sis wanted to go and I said we could as long as she promised not to spend a long time there.  And it was the store at which I had bought the baby yarn a few weeks ago.  Remember the star shaped baby blanket in the "boy" colors?  I very much wanted to do another round around because I thought it needed to be just a wee bit bigger.  And I thought I had enough yarn.  But in actuality, I was literally about four stitches short.  No matter how I tried to finagle it, I couldn't get it to stretch far enough to finish the round.  So I ended up ripping that round out and finishing it off.  But I still think it needs to be just a wee bit bigger.  So I got one more skein of that colorway and I'm going to add another round.  I may actually have enough for two more rounds, which would be ideal.  But I'll settle for one.

So, I'll quick work that up, crocheting that on won't take but a short amount of time, and then I think I'll knit.  Knitting is sort of dominating my crafting mind right now.  I have a few things in mind that I'm not ready to talk about yet.  Mostly, I just want to play and see what I come up with.  

But coffee first. 

Friday, May 10, 2013

Happy Friday

A bit more training today. I've very much enjoyed the sitting and watching and absorbing. Now, today, I'll have to actually do it. Which is a little nerve wracking but I'm feeling pretty confident. 

A different friend of my friend asked if I would help her with something yarny. My friend said of course. I just grinned when she told me. I'll certainly try. 

Spell Break is officially done!  I've done the edits and rereads until I was cross eyed. I'm sure I'll read it a few more times before it goes live. The remaining episodes will be posted next week. 

Happy Friday everyone!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Feelin' Purdy Darn Good

I sent the wreath home with the BFF after the movie the other night and Izzy finally got to see it live and in person.  She sent me a text the next morning to say that she was all tripped out on allergy meds so that she didn't really look at it but when she got home, she'd be all over that.  Later that evening, I got a pic text with the wreath hanging above the bed.  It looks absolutely lovely though I wonder what the boyfriend thinks about the pretty flowers in his bedroom.  She is very pleased with it and so I'm extremely happy.

Laurie, the wise one, was also totally thrilled with her cactus pin cushion.  It was pointed out to me by someone else that he looked like a light bulb and I had to agree, that yes, he did.  I immediately wanted to take it back and do it over but I didn't because she was happy with it and I just need to let those things go.

We've all decided that my coworker is going to have a girl even though we really don't know for sure because the baby was not cooperating when it was time for the sono.  Still, Mom saw her the other day and said it was a girl and I'm not sure how Mom knows these things but she can always tell.  I've never known her to be wrong.  My mom is kinda creepy awesome like that.  With babies on the brain, I want to make a few more hats (I have a couple of different patterns) and a pair of booties (finally found a good pattern!) and maybe, a baby sweater (cardigan style, not jumper style)  but I don't know if I have enough on hand yarn for that.  I'll have to go check the stash again (it's currently living in the attic so I have some more space) and see what there is in there.  

I helped a friend of a friend with her knitting the other day, too.  And was flattered when I found out she brought it to work simply because she was hoping that I would help her figure out where she went wrong because she had no one else to ask. Seriously flattered by that.  I had helped her once before (maybe twice?) and when she got lost and scared to go back, she thought of me, even though we really don't know each other.  I don't know how I became an expert, despite pretending and teasing that I am, but I knew what to do to help her fix it.  I absorb stuff, what can I say?

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


You all know I have a wild imagination.  My brain goes a hell of a lot of places in a day.  I also have some anxiety issues.  So, sometimes, there's a part of me that is imagining the bad things that could happen.  One of those reoccurring fears that I have is that my boss is suddenly going to call me in with no warning and say "Sorry bitch, but you gotta pack your shit and leave."

For the record, my boss does not talk like that.  It's just, you know, my imagination.

Anyway, last week, my fears were assuaged a whole lot.  The boss comes out of the room where the schedulers live with Ro in tow and say she needs to me too. We go into the conference room and my brain is of course thinking, "Oh shit!  What did I do?!  Why am I in trouble?" even though I knew I hadn't done anything.  At least, I was pretty sure I hadn't.

The boss goes on this long winded explanation about how half of our sites are getting a new computer system and we don't have a choice (they are linked in with another medical group, who are the ones that are actually getting the new system, so we gotta roll with it).  She tells us, Ro and I, that there's going to be a training class and it's going to be for a week and at least five hours a day and that her first thought would be to send Ro because it's mostly going to affect scheduling and she only gets to send one person.  But that's the week that Ro is on vacation.  And that she needs to be able to send someone who can understand both the scheduling and the billing side of it.

The boss turns to me and gives me a sarcastic smile and says "Guess what that means?"

But first I have to learn scheduling.  I can do everything else but that.  She tells Ro that I learn very quickly and that it won't be a problem for me to pick it up.  She says that before too long I'll be the one that can do everything in the office and that they'll all be able to take the day off and I can run the whole place.

I smiled and said of course, but inside, I'm fucking grinning so big.  Once I learn scheduling, I will be the only one who will know how and be able to do everything that goes on in there.  Not to sound pompous, but I think that makes me pretty invaluable.  And I think it means that she really values me and thinks I'm worth the training and resources.  That she thinks I'm worth keeping around.

She needs to send someone who can learn everything that is taught and turn around, come back, and teach it to everyone else.  She needs someone to be the expert at it so that if there are questions, they can be asked and answered.  She needs someone that she has confidence in.  And she chose me.

I know that pride is one of the seven deadly sins, but I gotta tel you, I'm feel pretty fucking proud of myself right now. 


Monday, May 6, 2013

Spell Break: Part 10

Here you go, another episode!  

The end is drawing nearer but we're not quite there yet.

Tune in Thursday for Episode 11 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Yarn Happened

Yesterday, I didn't even turn on the computer.  Not that I, shudder to think, was without the internet.  I do have an iPhone after all.  But after a little surfing in the morning with my coffee and returning some emails, I ended up devoting the day to yarn.  I made this:
And then I made this:

And then I took and nap and when I woke up, I made this:

Oh, and I also made a little baby bootie...just gone one done.  Because I finished it and hated it with the fiery passion of a thousand suns so it got thrown out.  So, I have to see if I can find a better pattern.  We'll see.

Today?  First there will be coffee, then words, maybe some reading.  Until later this evening when I'll leave the house to go see Ironman 3.  So.  Excited. 


Friday, May 3, 2013

I Got Distracted

I, in fact, got very distracted.

It's probably because I made plans.  You know how well those work out for me *g*.  But the voices were talking to me and so, instead of yarning, I was listening to them.  But of course, it wasn't Jason and Kelly that was talking.  I've still got to write their last two episodes (at least as it looks now) and the words weren't there for them.  Oh, no.  Of course not.  Because that would make sense, wouldn't it?  Other boys were talking to me.  And I have no idea what to do with them.  No, that's not quite true.  I know what to do with them but they don't get to be a part of our tale yet.  But they seriously wouldn't shut up.  So, I had to get them on the page just so they would quiet down.  And after I did, I went to bed.  And then Jason and Kelly started talking!

Damn consternating fools.  

I almost, almost, got out of bed and found a pen and some paper and wrote notes but I forced myself to stay where I was.  I was in a comfortable position and on that sweet edge of sleep and I just let them talk and talk as I drifted off.  Fortunately, they weren't telling me anything I didn't already know, they were just being more specific.  And I remember what they were saying.  I just hope I can get it right when I get it on the page.  

It's finally Friday, which is nice, and so I'm hoping this weekend, I might, amidst the yarn, get those last two eps on the page.  If that all goes according to plan (that damn word again) then we'll probably have two episodes next week.  We are nearing the end and I want to see the conclusion just as much as everyone else.  And then we'll start our next tale...of which, I will tell you the title when the first episode is nigh.  

So, to sum up, this weekend will be: cactus, words, baby hats, words, baby booties, words...and some more words and maybe Sis's afghan.      

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Some New Stuff

Sometimes, I'm painfully dumb about the simple answers.  They elude me until, like Paul on the road to Damascus, it strikes out of nowhere and I get brilliance.  Sometimes, this happens with my writing, like exactly why Daniel wears those outdated overalls (shh, you'll meet him soon) but sometimes it happens with the yarn, too.  Yesterday, when I was walking outside, it struck me.  I have all these left over skeins of baby yarn...one or two from past projects that don't go together in any way.  And I had no idea what to do with them.  But it hit me, I can make hats and booties.  There's enough on a skein to have a matching pair.  So, I found some patterns last night...nothing complicated, just easy peasy.  But it will occupy a few hours of my time, use up some extra yarn, and it'll be nice to have them on hand.  There are a few babies in the future.

But first, I have to whip up this extra cute cactus pin cushion.  A friend of mine requested it and sent a pic and it's easy enough to make.  I have all the yarn just sitting in my stash and it won't take very long at all.  So, I'm going to see if I can get that done tonight.  And of course, pics will follow.

And Sis has been, not so subtly, occasionally hinting that she wants her blanket.  I tried the "it's getting warm now and you won't need it till the fall" tack but she wasn't biting.  I still don't have all the yarn for it.  Think she'll let me get away with it just being a wrap?

And speaking of which, Toby saw it the other day and now he wants one.  He tried the puppy dog eyes and the pouty lip and the pleading.  But he didn't know that doesn't work on me. I do have a kryptonite, and Sis is the master of it, but I don't think she'll share the trick.  He got his fingerless mitts, with mitten flap, sized to fit, for all his beta reading.  That's a pretty good trade off, if you ask me.  Besides, he yarns, too.  He can make one himself.  

Anyway, cactus pin cushion, some baby hats, another baby blanket, Sis's blanket...and here I was thinking I didn't have anything to work on!      

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


The good thing about being an avid and prolific daydreamer is that your mind goes a lot of places, thinks a lot of things, remakes the world the way you want it and you are never bored.

The bad thing about being an avid and prolific daydreamer is that your mind goes a lot of places, thinks a lot of things, remakes the world the way you want it and it gives you hope.

Now, before you jump down my throat, I'm a fan of hope.  I think hope, in and of itself, is a very good and necessary thing.  I have a lot of hope about a lot of things.  I have a great hope that one day our world will be free of war and intolerance and hate.  

But personal things?  I'm scared to let the hope get too big.  Because if and when it doesn't work out, the crash is hard.  It hurts.  And half of me is trying to be realistic and telling myself not to hope too hard because of that crash.  But the other half?  That's hoping with everything it can and telling the cynical part that so what if it hurts?  Getting over it is not that big of a deal, it's totally doable, and isn't it better to hope?

Anyway, I'm kind of on a roller coaster at the moment; one minute soaring with hope and the next swooping down into being realistic.  It keeps happening and I'm driving myself crazy.  

I'm trying to find projects to occupy my brain.  Too many things going on in there and it's hard to process them all.