
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Awesome Sis

Remember how the yarn for Sis's afghan was sort of languishing in the void of cyberspace and It wasn't doing anything and I didn't think I would ever get it even though I ordered it almost six months ago?  Sis called the place and the lady looked into it and figured out that even though it was out of stock, it didn't get marked out of stock and then marked back into stock so my order never got tagged as not completed and needing completion so it was just languishing in pending status.  So after a little bit of customer service magic it somehow became cheaper, even cheaper the second time Sis called with my card because they couldn't pull up the old card (which was just as well, as that one isn't active anymore because I got the new card and activated that) and it's officially on it's way.  

Oh and I got free shipping for my inconvenience.

All in all, a pretty good resolution.  Of course, because Sis was so awesome in taking care of that problem for me (even though she agreed because she's becoming impatient for her afghan) I promised her I would drop everything once it arrived and knit until I hurt and finish her damn present.

Now, it's not anything complicated.  It's big, fat, chunky yarn knit garter stitch on big, fat, honking size 15 needles.  It doesn't require much brain power.  But, you may remember, that it's fucking 8 feet long!  And now I have way too much yarn because I bought three skeins when I was out one day.  But Sis says this is no problem.  Just keep knitting until I run out.  I told her it's going to be one ginormous blanket.

The grin she gave me in response to that can only be called evil.

But I will.  I'll knit until I have enough yarn to bind off and the finish the damn thing, throw it in the washer and dryer.  And then probably throw it in her face.

I remember when I started this, nearly six long months ago, and I was so excited that I found this yarn and that I found the color that was so perfect for her and I was going to get it done in time for her birthday.  But then I had too many stitches and the yarn didn't arrive and things kept going wrong.  At this point, I'm not excited about it anymore.  But I'm sure as shit going to get that fucker done just so I can be rid of the headache it is. 

And also, she's really, really going to love it a lot.  

So, in the next week, I need to quick finish up anything that's lingering so that when the yarn arrives, I can get my knit on and get it done.  I want it done nearly as bad as she does...for completely different reasons.  But still, I'll get it done as fast as I can.  

I'm already trying to think of ways I can take a picture of it that will show you the enormity of it.    


  1. Yay for Sis! And free shipping and getting it cheaper!

    But watch out for those plans! *ducks quickly* :o)

    1. Lol!! I know right?! Plans really hate me don't they?

      But Sis was awesome so I'm gonna do my damnedest to make it happen
