
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mother's Day Recap

So Sis and I opened the Kindle on Saturday night and got it all set up for Mom.  She doesn't like to do those things herself and this way, it was all good to go when she opened it.  All set up, slipped in the sleeve, and in the gift bag, ready to present.

Mom revealed to us girls at breakfast Sunday morning that she checked her email.  We both look at her.  She pauses and then says, "Thank you for the Kindle, I was overjoyed when I saw that."


It's funny now when I think about it.  Mom doesn't check her email that often and even if she did, it never occurred to Sis and me that the apps we put on would show up in the email...which it totally should have as we both have the Kindle app on our respective devices and get the confirmation emails all the time.  All I could think was thank goodness we didn't do it weeks ago like we wanted to when the Kindle first arrived!  At least Mom found out on the actual day she was getting it.

She appreciated the cable on the sleeve but she was much too taken with playing games and trying to think of books to buy to care much about it.  I sort of knew that would happen.  And then Brub decided that the buttons on it looked like eyes and he was making it talk and entertaining us.  Tato decided he wanted a puppet.  I said I wouldn't make him one.  Brub suggested that he ask for a pocket.  So Tato looked at me and said, very seriously, "I'd like a pocket/mitten combo.  Not a puppet at all."  My brothers make me laugh.

I cooked steak and corn on the cob and mashed potatoes for dinner.  It was really tasty.

Mum's pretty obsessed with the Kindle at the moment.  She's also very adorable about tucking it back in it's yarn home when she's done with it.  I'm very happy she likes the sleeve, even if it's second to what goes inside, and is conscious about putting it back away and all tucked in.  At least its a pretty way of keeping it from getting scratched. 


  1. Aww, you have a nice family! It sounds as though the kindle and sleeve were a big success! I hope you weren't too disappointed that she already knew what her gift was, though. :)

    1. I think I would have been upset if it wasn't that same day that she found out. But as it was, I got over it pretty quickly.

      And I can't even begin to tell you the awesomeness of my family...seriously, I am so very lucky that my siblings belong to me. And that my mom raised us to be good human beings.
