
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Girl Curse

This is what the BFF and I call that thing that happens when you get an idea of something in your head, that sweater you want, or that pair of pants, or that dress, and you go looking for it and you can not find it anywhere (though I'm certain it doesn't happen just to girls).  It's the curse in effect because if you didn't have the preconceived notion in your head, you would find something fabulous but because you already have the idea fixed firmly, you can't find anything at all.

This happens to me with patterns, too.

I get an idea in my head and I just know that it's going to be awesome.  But when I try it in practicality, it doesn't look like it did in my head and it looks awful.  And I get really mad at it because that's not how it's supposed to look!  

I started knitting this thing the other night and I had it all planned out in my head but it didn't work like I thought.  One of the reasons for that was because when I got to the second row, I decided to change it up a little.  So, I got four rows done and I was like "bah, this doesn't look like how I thought it would." So there was much staring and contemplating and I got out some extra yarn and tried some things but that wasn't working out either and after that and a dinner break, I pick it up again.  And decide to just keep going for a few more rows and see what happens and telling myself that if I have to frog the whole thing it wouldn't be the first time and it certainly won't be the last.  But something amazing happened.

The pattern is different than I had originally intended but it actually looks better than what I envisioned.

So even though the girl curse happened, for once it actually worked out for the good.

Of course, since I basically made it up as I went along for the first few rows, I now have to "read" my knitting to know which row I'm supposed to do.  I've gotten better at that over the last few months but what makes me nervous is that If I do the wrong row, the whole pattern will get messed up.  So every time I start the new row, I'm like quadruple checking it's the right one.  It's a bit stressful but I think that the final result will be worth it.


  1. This post made me laugh! You changed it and then got cross because it didn't look how you thought it would. And then it ended up better than you though but you're not sure you remember how you did it. :0) I know I should feel sympathetic, and I do, and I feel how stressful it must be for you, but still, LOL!!

    1. Heh. I'm glad it amused you...:D In the end, I got it sorted. But I tell you, I sure wasn't laughing at first. Then I saw the different parts of the pattern and little things that let me know I was doing the right row.

    2. I'm glad you got it all sorted and I hope we get a photo after all your hard work.

      And another curse. How many more do you know??

    3. Yep. There will be pictures eventually.

      *shrugs* I don't know. I can't think of any more at the moment. But if I do think of any, I'll be sure to let you know! lol.
