
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Soul Bond: Part 1

Surprise!  Here's the first episode of Soul Bond.

Now, if you haven't read Spell Break, the first story in the series, you can technically read this as a stand alone.  But you probably don't want to as it takes place in the same world and is a continuation of the larger plot.  This story, as I see it now though, does appear to be its own thing and I don't think there will be anything that isn't explained on its own.  The good news is that Spell Break has it's very own tab at the top, is a complete story, and you can read it from beginning to end if you have an hour or two free.  And then you won't have to miss anything.

I'm doing the label thing again.  See?  It's got it's own label there at the bottom and in the side bar on the right.

I got the nerves.  But I hope you enjoy!


            The journey should have been five days at most, if ample time for sleeping at night was factored in, but it taken more than two weeks.  The late model sedan had served Jared just fine while taxiing him back and forth to work and the store.  Apparently, it was not able to make a cross country trip.  He’d been barely two hours into his journey when it started to overheat.  He couldn’t drive for more than a few hours at a time before he had to pull over and let it cool down.  Not wanting to stop in order to get it fixed, Jared had gone on like that for the first week.  But by the time he made it to Ohio, it was apparent the head gasket was blown and there was no choice but to have it repaired.  Three agonizing days in Cleveland and nearly a thousand dollars later, he was back on the road.  After which he promptly hit severe weather through the rest of Ohio and all through Indiana and Illinois.
            February sucked for driving.
            It was tedious and nerve wracking and all Jared wanted was to get to Boulder and finally be safe.  He was paranoid that anyone who crossed his path could be a danger.  He was afraid to stop for too long at any one place for fear he would be discovered. With that light at the end of the tunnel, he kept pushing himself, barely pausing because he knew once he got there he’d be safe.  Morgan had promised. 
            Marvin, of course, was not helping the situation any.  Despite the fact that Jared’s familiar wanted to arrive at their destination as quickly as possible too, he was being a pain in the ass.  The duck did not like traveling in the car.  At all.  And he made his displeasure known; both through his emotions and through loud, indignant quacks.  It was wearing on Jared, making things worse, and if he didn’t love the duck so damn much he could have strangled him.  Every time that thought worked its way into Jared’s head, Marvin had the decency to feel bad about his behavior and quiet down for a while.  But Marvin couldn’t keep his displeasure locked up for long.  Jared didn’t really blame him.
            But they had finally reached Colorado and Marvin waddled across the passenger seat to lay his head on Jared’s arm.  He sent apologetic thoughts about his behavior and relief that they would finally be safe.  Jared took one had off the wheel for a moment so that he could stroke the feathers on Marvin’s head.  The duck closed his eyes, glad he was forgiven.  Jared would have smiled if he had the energy.
            It took a few tries, and two separate stops for directions, before he finally found the coffee shop that Morgan had directed him to.  He pulled into the small parking lot next to Any Beans Necessary and rubbed his shaking hands over his face.  Relief flooded his veins.  This small, inconspicuous coffee shop meant his safety and for a while there, Jared had been afraid that he was never going to reach it.  But he was here and all he had to do was walk inside, find Kelly, and he could stop being in a state of constant fear.  He couldn’t remember what it was like not to be afraid.
            Jared gave a self deprecating laugh.  Remember.  That’s what had gotten him into this whole mess to begin with. 
            He reached into the back seat to retrieve the canvas messenger bag that was Marvin’s ride whenever they went somewhere animals weren’t allowed to be.  He flipped open the top and held it open.  Marvin just looked at him.  Jared gave a heavy sigh.  He didn’t have the energy for another battle of wills.  He knew Marvin hated the bag, who would like being closed up like that, but it was the only option.  He wasn’t leaving Marvin behind.  He gave the bag a shake.  Marvin continued to stare.
            “You’re not staying here,” Jared said out loud.  “Get in the bag, please.”
            The duck gave a loud squawk but toddled toward the offending object.  Jared laid it down on the seat, scooped up the duck and placed him inside.  A muffled quack sounded when he secured the top.  Jared shook his head with another sigh.  Carefully lifting the strap over his head, Jared arranged the bag close to his side so Marvin wouldn’t be jostled and got out of the car.
            He could smell snow in the air and though there was none on the ground, the wind was biting and cold.  Thankfully, he was used to this kind of weather.  He pulled his cap down tighter over his ears and hustled toward the front door of the café.  Seconds later, he was inside, the heat seeping through his winter wear to warm his chilled skin.  Jared sighed in relief, not realizing just how cold the car had been.  His eyes scanned the room, not surprised that at this late afternoon hour, the place was empty.  There was a woman behind the counter and she looked up when he entered to offer him a warm smile.  This must be Kelly.  Jared hustled toward the back of the room, the relief he felt almost making him giddy.
            She had her brown hair pulled back into a ponytail and the smile on her lips made her hazel eyes sparkle.  She waited till he was at the counter before she asked, “Welcome!  What can I get for you?”
            “Are you Kelly?” He blurted.
            The smile fell off her face and she narrowed her eyes, “No.  What do you want with my brother?”
            Brother?  Huh.  Jared thought he’d be meeting a woman.  That thought was quickly followed by panic.  What was he supposed to do now?  Morgan had said to come here and that Kelly would make him safe.  He gripped the counter tight and tried to rein in his emotions.  But the fear made him babble and each word sounded increasingly desperate, even to his own ears, “I’m sorry, I just…she said to come here and Kelly would help me…can you call Kelly?  Can you tell me where to go?  I need to get to Kelly.”
            “Okay, hush, its fine,” the woman said soothingly.  She bustled around the counter and Jared turned to meet her.  “My name is Mary.  I’ll call my brother and have him come here.  You’re okay now.  It’s fine.”
            She gestured for him to sit at a nearby table even as she pulled a phone from the front pocket of her apron.  Jared sat hard in one of the chairs.  The relief was back.  Kelly would be here and Morgan had promised he could make everything okay.  Jared pulled Marvin a bit closer in his bag and the duck sent soothing thoughts.  They could trust Morgan, Marvin knew they could, and she wouldn’t have steered them wrong.  Everything was going to be okay.
            “Kelly will be here in a few minutes.  Let me get you something to drink while we’re waiting,” Mary said quietly.
            Jared nodded and pulled his cap off his head.  “Vanilla chai?” he asked hopefully.
            She nodded with another warm smile and a moment later, the steaming mug was set before him.  Jared wrapped both hands around the ceramic and brought the cup close to his face, inhaling the fragrant tea.  It was comforting and Jared took a careful sip. 
            Not ten minutes later, the door opened and two men walked in.  One was taller, broader, with his brown hair cut close to his head and a tabby in his arms. The other was a little shorter and leaner.  There was a tiny owl perched on his shoulder and a misshapen purple lump of yarn on his head.  It was clearly supposed to be a hat and very obviously handmade.
            They walked close to the table where Jared was sitting and stopped less than a foot away.  They both stared at him, sizing him up, and Jared fought a blush.  He pulled Marvin a little closer.  He wondered which one of them was Kelly. He didn’t have to wait for long.
            “I’m Kelly,” the bigger of the two said, his voice deep and firm.  He inclined his head to his companion.  “This is Jason.  And you are?”
            Jared had to swallow hard before he could offer his name.  “J-jared.”
            Kelly nodded.  “And what are you doing here?”
            The man’s tone was conversational but there was an edge of steel beneath it that caused the nerves to flutter in Jared’s stomach.  What had Morgan gotten him into?  He sucked in a deep breath and blurted, “Morgan sent me.” 
            Everyone went still and stunned silence permeated the air for several long minutes.  As uncomfortable as it was, Jared wasn’t going to be the one to break it.
            “Where’s your familiar, Jared?” Jason’s quiet voice made Jared jump.  Reflexively, he hugged the bag tighter to his midsection.
            “What do you want with Marvin?” Jared whispered.
            Jason gave him a blinding smile.  “He doesn’t have to stay in the bag, you know. Not in here.  You can let him out, it’s safe here.”
            Oh.  Jared understood.  Jason wanted to make sure that Jared’s familiar was alive and well.  The best and surest sign that a practitioner had gone dark was their lack of familiar.  Jared’s hands shook a little as he opened the snaps on the flap of the bag and pulled it back.  Marvin, insanely happy to be out of the dark bag, gave a quack and flapped his wings.  Jared lifted him out and set him on the table.
            “What the heck is that?!” Jason asked, shocked.
            Jared’s brown creased.  “He’s a bufflehead.”
            “It’s a duck, sweetheart,” Kelly’s voice was amused.
            Jason scowled but his tone was laced with affection when he said,  “I can see it’s a duck, you jerk.” 
Jason stepped closer and bent down so he could get a good look at Marvin.  Always a bit of an attention whore, Marvin preened and titled his head to show of the way his black face and head feathers had a green and purple iridescence to them.  A grin broke out on Jason’s face.
            “Well, Marvin, you are, by far, the coolest looking duck I’ve ever seen.”
            Marvin decided in that second that he liked Jason very much.  Jared mentally rolled his eyes.  The duck liked anyone that thought he was pretty.
            “You can fawn over the duck later, sweetheart,” Kelly said kindly.  Then he turned his attention back to Jared.  “What’s going on that Morgan sent you to me?”
            Jared wasn’t sure how to answer, there was a part of him that wanted to blurt out the whole story but he mostly he didn’t want to have to do that until they made him.  He went with the best answer he could give.  “She said you would make me safe.”
            Kelly’s eyes narrowed and he leaned toward Jared.  “Those were her exact words?”
            Kelly’s eyes snapped closed and he muttered, “Fuck.”
            That was so not the reaction he was expecting.  Jared gulped again and remained as still as possible.  This was the man that was supposed to help him and Jared didn’t want to do anything to put that in jeopardy. 
            “Call Liam,” Kelly said, he eyes snapping to Jason.  “Tell him to meet us at the house.  Mary, can you call Daniel?  I’ll see if Jesse can get away.  Jared, where are you from?”
            Jared gulped.  Kelly obviously had an inkling of what was going on, even if Jared himself wasn’t sure.  And he knew, once he answered, things would change.  He didn’t know Kelly but he trusted Morgan completely, and if she had said Kelly would help him, then the man would.  Jared took a deep breath and answered honestly.  “Caribou, Maine.”
            “Fuck me sideways,” Kelly whispered.  The man shook his head and took a deep breath.  “Okay.  Jason, sweetheart, can you stay here and mind the shop?  I’m going to need Mary with me.”
            “Jay—“ Kelly began warningly.
            But the other man stood his ground.  “No.  Whatever it is, we’re dealing with it together.”
            Kelly’s eyes narrowed and Jared told himself he never wanted to be the one to pique Kelly’s anger.  Mary stepped in and quickly diffused the mounting tension. “It’s all right, Kel.  I’ll call Carrie.  She’ll be glad for the hours and can be here in a few minutes.  I’ll let Daniel know what’s going on and be over in a bit.  It’s fine.”
            Kelly looked like he wanted to argue but, after a moment, he nodded.  “Fine.  Let’s go.  We’ll deal with this at home.”
            Jared found himself herded toward the door.  He had to remind himself again that he could trust Kelly because Morgan did.  Marvin liked Jason immensely, but he didn’t have an opinion on Kelly yet.  Jared trusted his familiar more than anyone else in the world and Marvin wasn’t worried that they were being taken to a different location.  Obviously, they weren’t worried that Jared was a threat if they were taking him to Kelly’s home.  That might change when he actually told them all what was going on.  As anxious and nervous as Jared was, there was a part of him that didn’t care if these men locked him up.  At least then, he wouldn’t have to be afraid anymore   

 © 2013 all rights reserved


  1. Oh this is great,Kris.

    "a misshapen purple lump of yarn on his head." - lol, love it!! And that Jared thought Kelly was a man. :)

    Excellent start to the new story.

    1. :D If I had a tail, it would be wagging.

      And the misshapen lump is all due to your plot bunny feeding! lol.
