
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Concentration Face

When I'm focusing really hard, I get concentration face.  For me, that means the muscles around my mouth and nose get really tight and I'm sort of frowny.  It's not that I'm actually frowning though, just that I'm concentrating really hard.  I don't even realize I'm doing it until a bunch of time has passed and my face muscles get tired. Then I try to relax my face, but of course, within seconds, I'm doing it again.  It happens a lot when I'm yarning and I have to pay attention to the pattern.  I also do it when I'm writing, but then, I've usually added a head cock (heh) so I'm sort of looking at the screen sideways.  I'm not entirely sure what that's about.

For Mom and Brub, the tongue pokes out of the corner of their mouths when they are focused.  Sis and Tato do the frowny thing like me.

How about you?  Do you have a concentration face? 


  1. I seem to have a variation of what you do, Kris. When I'm concentrating really hard on something, just the tip of my tongue sticks out of the corner of my mouth. I seem to do this when I'm trying to write or type something serious. I have to be careful not to bit my tongue! LOL

    1. The tongue seems to popular in the concentration face repertoire. And yes, please be careful not to bite your tongue! Not only is it painful but how will you be able to concentrate if you can't stick it out? :)

  2. Yarning seems to be physically hard on your body! First the wrist and now the face. I frown when I'm concentrating. I have the lines to show for it too! :(

    1. And Kris, did you warn Brad about the boyfriend sweater curse, if he's going to take up yarning??!!

    2. The boyfriend sweater curse? LOL. I can't wait to hear about this! :)

    3. I'm working up an excellent set of lines myself, so at least you're in good company! And what can I say? I'm a full body yarner! I'm certain that at least some of the back and hip pain is due to hunching over my project. Heh, I've always done stretches to alleviate the pain in those areas, you think I would have realized I should do some for my wrist too!

    4. Heh. Yeah, Brad. The boyfriend sweater curse is as follows: if you make your boyfriend a sweater, you're destined to break up just before or just after the gifting of the sweater. So, please don't make Matty a sweater!

    5. Yikes! Thanks for the warning, Kris! No sweaters for Matty! Are socks and caps safe? :)

    6. Oh absolutely. They are much appreciated. And way, way, way easier to make! :D

    7. Excellent call, Alder! I wouldn't have thought to warn about that!

    8. Hey Brad...you could do a skull cap with the Red Sox B on it. Then Matty's never without his beloved team on his head!

    9. Watch he doesn't wear it in the shower though, Brad! :o)

  3. A skull cap with a Red Sox B on it! I hadn't thought of that!

    LOL, Alder. If he likes it he'll wear it everywhere. I'll have to convince him I'll only make him one so he won't wear it in the shower! :)

    1. Hehehehe. Just tell him that wet yarn is very NOT sexy. Cause trust me, soaking wet yarn is very ewww.
