
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Yarn Happened

Yesterday, I didn't even turn on the computer.  Not that I, shudder to think, was without the internet.  I do have an iPhone after all.  But after a little surfing in the morning with my coffee and returning some emails, I ended up devoting the day to yarn.  I made this:
And then I made this:

And then I took and nap and when I woke up, I made this:

Oh, and I also made a little baby bootie...just gone one done.  Because I finished it and hated it with the fiery passion of a thousand suns so it got thrown out.  So, I have to see if I can find a better pattern.  We'll see.

Today?  First there will be coffee, then words, maybe some reading.  Until later this evening when I'll leave the house to go see Ironman 3.  So.  Excited. 



  1. Oh, that cactus pin cushion...it is so cute...there are no words! And you made 4 items yesterday! And still had time for a nap. I wish I could get myself as organised and productive on my days off!

    I hope the film is good tonight.

    1. Heh. I don't know about organized. I just...kept going. I couldn't stop!

      And thanks. Me too!

  2. So talented! When you hate something can't you just unravel it?

    1. Thank you! And usually, yeah. And I do. But I finished it all off, sewed up the seams and wove in the loose ends. That's the only way I could see the whole thing. And it was awful. So I tossed it.

  3. Ah! Cause I was thinking how easy it is to unravel things when you don't want them to lol.

    1. Heh. It's true. And there is a satisfaction of ripping it apart when it's not right. *g*
